Divine Masculine: It’s A Blitz
There’s something in your life that’s causing you to rush headfirst without thinking. This is giving reckless and impulsive actions. Take this as a call to think first before making the important decisions, delegate work, rest your mind by physically taking a break from this situation, or change course.
May be dealing with: A Taurus or Gemini
Other Events: unreliability, drama, news/events suddenly coming out, crashing/burning out, someone blowing things way out of proportion
Divine Feminine: A World Of Choices
You’re dealing with several choices but not all of them will bring the rewards you’re looking for. Weigh each option carefully; it’s best not to make final decisions until you apply discernment and full consideration.
May be dealing with: A Scorpio, challenges with love and relationships
Other events: there’s a cheating lover but they’re either pretty good at hiding or you’re not seeing things for what they truly are.
Practice discernment and avoid making accusations without proof. On the same note, try to avoid extreme behaviors like stalking, violent confrontations, or shutting down. It’s always best to seek counselling and advise from an experienced friend/loved one.
If you’re the cheater, consider this your call to slow down and consider your actions before things go too far. There was another pull that seemed to indicate this may be the worst of things considering. I also don’t want to be that person but playing around with other people and their emotions can cause more harm than good in the long run. Take this as your heads up.
Neither (Spiritually Fluid): Delays and Miscommunication
There may be delays in plans and travel arrangements. There’s a want to progress but external factors are causing hiccups for you. Try thinking of alternative routes for now.
For some, try working on your execution. I’m seeing where you may be starting things but not implementing strategies to see them through. Think of where you’d like to see things long-term.
I’m seeing squabbles and petty fights with others at this time. Remember to practice patience, temperance, and empathy to avoid losing those who mean more than hurtful words.
May be dealing with: miscommunication, challenges with communicating/messages, issues with flights and travelling, a Sagittarius
- Remember to trust in your own intuition and higher guidance. This article is only meant to give insights and suggestions based off what’s been pulled/discerned for a collective reading. Your daily actions, choices, and attitudes towards your life are the ultimate deciders of your fate. Choose to align with what resonates the most.
- Any tarot cards or images posted will represent a prominent theme in your messages, but are not usually the only cards involved.