What to learn before coding?

Atiya faridi
5 min readMar 1, 2022


Do you recall the nervous thrill you felt before going to the hostel for higher studies? You knew the year ahead would be filled with new things to learn, but we're not sure what to take what to not do. But wouldn’t it have been good to have a short study guide for the new year so you could know what to expect? If you’re thinking about diving into the world of coding, you might be looking for some advice to help you overcome any doubts you might have about your learning path. But, more importantly, you may simply be seeking a few ideas to help you feel even more enthusiastic about learning to code. Learning to code is a difficult task. Many websites may try to persuade individuals to learn coding by portraying it as a simple skill to master. It is, however, one of the most difficult abilities to acquire and master. It’s more of an experiment than a set of instructions to follow.

As a beginning, you may be curious about the trip ahead of you or what it’s like to advance from novice to intermediate. Learning experiences differ from one individual to the next, and you are free to follow your own route. This list of things you should know before you start coding might help you get started:

Get the basics right

When you start learning, the first thing you need to be sure of is the“basics”. It is the first step of becoming a coding ninja. To get the basics right, you need to learn the core of computer science, just like any other trade, you will come across. There are currently hundreds of online courses aimed at beginners.

Set Up Goals:

Create quantifiable and specific goals — The more measurable and particular your goal is, the easier it will be to achieve. For a programming novice, “Learn JavaScript” can be a little too ambiguous because it’s impossible to gauge progress or completion. Instead, try something like “Practise JavaScript for at least 5 hours per week.”
Set deadlines — Would you be motivated to finish an assignment if your teacher handed it to you and stated, “Do it whenever you feel like it.” Most likely not. Deadlines motivate you to work toward your goals on a regular basis. Short-term vs. long-term objectives — You could want to get into coding to help you achieve a larger goal, such as completing a certain job or project.

Become a patient person:
Programming, according to experts, is a test of patience. Coding can be challenging at times, and a lack of patience when learning a new skill can lead to frustration, a lack of desire, and even failure. Patience can make a huge difference in how well you absorb information.
Here are some exercises to help you keep your patience when you start to lose it: Experiment with deep breathing — Your heart rate rises, your breathing becomes shallower, and it becomes more difficult for your brain to make decisions and internalize information when you are frustrated. With a few deep breaths, though, you can reset your body — and your mind. Take a break — Taking a break from a frustrating coding task will help you relax and tackle the problem.

Pay Special Attention to the Fundamentals:
The first coding skills you learn are crucial. The fundamentals of programming will be used in a range of applications, both complicated and simple. Pay attention when you initially begin to study so that you can strengthen the techniques you’ll employ throughout your coding career. However, not all coding fundamentals are applicable. Some lessons, for example, are a little more philosophical but equally important:

Be a human, not a machine — Some new coders may believe that thinking like a computer is the ideal approach to programming. Your role, on the other hand, is to train machines to be more human. Coders work in a similar way to translators, in that they utilize programming languages to instruct machines on what to perform for human use. It’s fine if you don’t know everything; coding is an ever-evolving discipline with plenty to learn. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to know everything there is to know about each and every coding language. After all, learning to code entails learning how to always learn.

Hand-coding practice:
Almost every skilled coder out there recommends this. You will become a better developer if you learn to write code by hand. According to studies, your brain retains information better when it’s written down. In addition, if you want to start a career in coding, possible employers will want you to handwrite a test code to ensure that you know what you’re doing.

Learn By Doing, Not Memorizing

Learning to code is a lot like riding a bike. It’s something you learn by doing. Although it may be intimidating at first, try to jump into as many projects and hands-on learning experiences as you can.

Get into social coding

Learning to code is never a solo quest. If you are thinking of building the next big app without any help, then you are in the wrong trade. Programming is a group activity, and if you want to survive, you need to get help from different social platforms catering to programmers just like you.

Where to learn Coding?

In order to learn Coding one can reach at an online platform called CodeKaroYaaro to learn to code. They have an amazing set of highly qualified instructors keen to mentor kids who are equally enthusiastic to learn something new. They have specially designed courses from beginner to proficient level to fulfil the goals of any individual. E-learning is not necessarily boring, but learning with CodeKaroYaaro can become interesting. They try to provide an inclusive environment through live projects and other activities to ensure that children understand the practical aspect of the concept as well. It is an organization that brings together all of the skill sets required to develop the tech-savvies of tomorrow.

Through your search engine reach the website of Codekaroyaaro. It has various courses available in it. Choose the “Course” which you want to enrol yourself.
Fill the details
Make your payment and enjoy CODING

So, grab this golden opportunity and enrol your kids as soon as possible.

Website- https://www.codekaroyaaro.com/

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