Atlanta Ad Agencies
2 min readJan 21, 2016

Three Signs You’re About To Pick A Bad Marketing Company

This may not be what small business owners in Atlanta want to hear, but in 2016 it’s absolutely crucial for every business to have some kind of marketing plan put together. Marketing isn’t as simple as paying for a mailer or ad and hoping that people see it. You now have to worry about digital marketing, and that spins off into a variety of different areas. SEO, pay-per-click, and social media are all important for modern day business owners, and if you don’t have the time or expertise to devote to it you’re going to need to find someone that can.

Finding a marketing agency or freelancer in The Gate City isn’t difficult, but finding a good one is. You’ll hear promises about shooting to the top of Google search results, going viral, and bringing in hordes of customers with relative ease. Unfortunately if you aren’t too familiar with the world of marketing, it can be easy to get taken in by these marketing charlatans. If you want to find reputable marketing agency, make sure you avoid one that does any of the following things.

They have bad reviews

Marketing may have gotten more complicated as time as marched on, but luckily so has technology. Google+ reviews, Yelp, and other review websites are going to be your best friend when you look for marketing services. If you want to take it a step further, check them out on GlassDoor. It may seem strange to look at a site that specializes in employee written reviews about employers, but it will often tell you a lot about the inner workings of a company.

Their own things look bad

You just found a marketing company that says they can build you a website, grow your social media presence, and help you with pay-per-click. You take a look at their website, and you immediately notice how bad it looks. When you look at their own Facebook profile you see that it hasn’t been updated since last year. When you ask them a bit about their own pay-per-click strategy, they barely know how to answer. If the company you’re considering working with can’t handle their own online presence, what makes you think they’ll be able to handle yours? Check their own work, then you’ll see if they’re worth working with.

They mention nothing about leads

Advertising agencies in Atlanta aren’t just there to make their clients look good; their main purpose is to generate leads for your business. It’s up to you to close deals, but overall they should be doing whatever they can to get you more customers and clients. If they can only talk about how great your company image will be, they aren’t the ad agency you need to get your desired results.

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