Affordable Dental Implants | Dental Implants in Dallas | Atlantis Dental

3 min readJan 17, 2022

If you’re considering affordable dental implants, don’t trust any dentist to work your teeth. Many patients have fear and anxiety in seeking the right dentist to achieve the perfect smile. Atlantis Dental Care is a family dental practice dedicated to building long term dental care relationships with our patients. Our experienced Periodontist and friendly team provide dental implant service, Dallas with best-in-class treatment and facilities, so our patients can feel comfortable and relaxed at every stage of their treatment. Our dental office is equipped with 3D imaging technology to capture the image of the oral cavity followed by custom designing the dental crown to fit your mouth and attach the dental implants. Our patients who choose dental implants to replace missing teeth are often surprised by their improved biting, chewing and speaking capabilities. You can achieve beautiful and healthy smiles with our affordable implant solution that others can’t tell they have had work done. You can visit our dental office and discuss customized dental implants treatment cost, plans, and options with our Dental implants dentist in Dallas. If you have decided that dental implants are a good option for you, we will prepare your mouth to attach the dental implant. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Are you missing teeth? Are you looking to restore your perfect smile after tooth loss?

If you have severe and continuous throbbing pain or a lost tooth, it is a sign that you should visit a dentist. The common cause of tooth loss includes tooth decay, cracked teeth, chewing or biting certain foods, and older age. Missing teeth can pose quite a challenge to the dentists. Severe bone resorption is an inevitable outcome of tooth loss. It is not just inhibiting you to create spontaneous good feelings and achieving a beautiful smile, it impacts everything around you. It releases negative energy, increases your stress levels and gives you low levels of confidence.

What are Dental Implants?

Implant dentistry is an innovative and permanent alternative to conventional dentures or bridges. Titanium screws are considered the standard materials for attaching dental prosthesis such as crowns to anchor the implants. The dentist has to make and place the custom-made crowns to the abutment that holds the tooth. Dental implants are strong, aesthetically appealing restorations that can last about 10 to 15 years.

Single Tooth Dental Implant Treatment

There are various ways to get affordable dental implant solutions to suit your needs. A single tooth implant is one that is used to replace a single lost tooth. As a replacement for the missing tooth’s root, the dental implant dentist inserts a titanium post into the jawbone. Full mouth dental implants can replace all or most of your teeth due to decay, trauma or a medical condition. An all-on-four implant is the most advanced and affordable dental implant alternative to the full mouth of traditional implants.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Permanent replacement for lost or damaged teeth
  • Improved biting power, comfortable chewing and speaking properly
  • Easy maintenance — Regular brushing and flossing and dental checkups
  • Restore your natural smile and boost your confidence
  • Secured to teeth and may not embarrassingly slip out of place while eating or speaking

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Atlantis Dental Care located in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas, our fun dentistry office will make your entire family feel comfortable and at ease.