Part 2 — How to participate in the Jane Doe movement

5 min readNov 5, 2016


(Part 1 is here.)

Presidential Politics are a Farce — It’s up to us!

No to Trump/Clinton
(Although you still should vote for Clinton — that is the only protest vote this election!)

Society is not a zero-sum game. If I win when somebody else loses I have not really won. If one sector of our society is losing we are all losing.

Forget politics. Let’s talk about what we all have in common. Let’s discuss our shared interests and inalienable rights. Let’s be honest about the economic screws that are being put to us all. Our hope will not be filled by Trump or Clinton. We must forge our future as a people willing to speak together and to work together. We must come together to oppose the nature of big business and the way politics have been subjugated by it.

Let’s starts clubs and town hall meeting where an exact number of members from the progressive left meet with same number of members of the white working class to discuss ways in which we can force the corporate/political machine to serve out needs. These clubs and meetings can be moderated, but should evolve into a new kind of conversation that drives change.
We who think we are on opposites sides have more that connects is than divides us. Put if we fail to work together then we end up playing their game. A game we cannot win because it is in fact they game. At least until we change the rules.

In order to change the rules we have to change the conversation. We have to make it about our shared interests.

The Jane Doe Movement Agenda:

  • Creating economic opportunity and stability for all of us. Because if anyone gets left behind we all fail. We must succeed together. That is the American way.
  • Let’s ask each other, what is we are seeking, what we want for our children?
  • We will see that we seek security, opportunity, the sense of participation. We will see that we want our children (or the ones we have in the future) to inherit an environmentally stable world, with even more importantly, an economically stable world.
  • Let’s ask each other, those of us who think we are opposite sides, “what can we do today, what simple act can we perform today, that would make things a little better?”
  • And, in these act of kindness, we will see that there is more that connects us, than separates us.
  • It is on to this reality of shared interests, along with the shared conviction that our economy is not a zero sum game it is just a playing board slanted way, way, against us, that we can come together and effect the change required to make life better for all of us.
  • We can as an insurmountable and undeniable collective demand that government and business slant the board back in our favor.
  • This is not just about higher taxes for the rich. This is about making all the corporations that do business in America create a better economy. If they want to profit on us than they can do more to supports us.

How to be a part of The Jane Doe Movement

Participate now —
Please donate to help pay for organizing and for creating media that reflects the results of these discussions, and shares this unifying philosophy across the country.

  • If you want to participate in this new American dialogue, please contribute.
  • If you believe that when the white working class comes together with the progressive left, a new, more powerful, more American ideology will emerge, please contribute.
  • If you get that the advancement of freedom only happens when everyone shares in freedom, please contribute.
  • If you want to help work towards everyone’s freedom to earn, participate and choose, please contribute.
  • If you feel that all humans deserve to participate in the economic institutions of society and to draw personal stability from them, link please contribute.
  • If you think competition and market forces are useful, but greed and exploitation should be prohibited, please contribute.

How the money will be spent

  • Our goal is to raise the money required to bring our dialogues, workshops, and overall message to the national stage.
  • We can do this with a relatively small budget. For as little as $25,000 we can establish a national presence and create a platform that sustains itself with continued donations. We can do this because are expert in social media marketing and growth hacking.
  • Nonetheless, to insure that we achieve sustainability we have decided to raise $108,000. This target amount will allows to become a fully bootstrapped operation in 6 months.
  • We already have marketing systems in place (you can see our process here). By raising enough money to cover our staffing, product development, and paid media costs for 6 months we can become self-sufficient.
  • Explainer videos to introduce the topic
  • Landing pages to engage more followers
  • Better writing to explain possible solutions
  • Taped-moderated discussions between both sides to demonstrate the power of the dialogue and how the shared interests can be uncovered.
  • Paid FB ads to increase awareness
  • Moderated Town-hall style events to bring the conversation to larger audiences.
  • A newsletter to track the growth, different voices, and articles about the movement
  • Blogger relations — using our proprietary method for reaching out to bloggers
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Our principal staff will work with a host of virtual assistants and volunteers


The budget for a six month runway leading to a self-sustaining model requires a monthly budget of $18,000 (see table).

Income will come from contributions to our ongoing Kickstarter style campaign. Contributors will be given memberships and Jane Doe swag depending on their level of participation and influence.
Using our expertise in growth hacking this campaign will shift in to a self-sustaining-aka: bootstrapped-operation in 5 to 6 months.
Additional funds will come from merchandise sales.

About the principals

Atma Degeyndt — as an expert in organizational development and digital growth hacking he is perfectly placed to serve the Jane Doe Movement’s expansion. As a trained social scientist, and political philosopher he will provide the intellectual infrastructure to give the Jane Doe movement a meaningful and practical foundation. He has the savvy to create a movement with both depth and appeal.

Sari Gordon — a long time thinker and super excellent writer and editor, she brings the clear and grounded thinking that a social movement needs in order to stay focused and effective.

Together Atma and Sari bring decades of experience from the publishing, advertising, consulting, and food shelf management industries.

Recently added!
Stefan Persson — Expert in Full stack Digital Marketing


(Part 1 of this article “The Trump Solution” is here.)





Head of Product Marketing, Growth Hacking Expert, & Philosopher - I write about startup marketing, the nature of the mind, and being a good member of society:)