Moving Forward To 2023 — Atocha 2.0

As we are a few days left before moving into 2023, we want to share what we have learned, how we are re-strategizing, and how we want to pivot into the new year amidst the crypto winter.

Atocha Protocol
6 min readJan 18, 2023

Frankly, it is hard for any startup project especially at this tough time. Hence, the team has been slimming down further to keep the project running for as long as possible. In the meantime, the team is still in the middle of developing several exciting new functions which we strongly believe could bring pivoting moment for Atocha and the ecosystem.

While we are running on a tight budget, there are still many possibilities that we could fulfill. Resourcefulness and patience are the two main values that we adhere to most at this point in time. By leveraging our existing resources and constant search for collaborative partnerships, we accumulate what is beneficial to build our vision of becoming a global puzzle platform. Furthermore, we see puzzles can not only be used as entertainment but also provide value for users in the education, training and marketing industries. Thus, we are putting our chips in this growing trend and believe it will eventually become our new strength.

Reviewing what we have achieved so far in 2022, it was indeed unimaginable for a small team. Here are some highlights which are monumental and crucial in becoming the stepping stone for 2023.

  1. Graduated from Octopus Accelerator, and become one of five Star Prize Winners
  2. Complete IDO in and NEARPAD
  3. Mainnet online
  4. Launch our first webapp for puzzle Creators and players

2023 will be a challenging year for us as we are aiming to get positive cash flow for our operation. We’ll embrace all challenges ahead and intend to stay put on our vision. There will be 3 objectives that we will be laser focus on:

Objective 1: Onboarding 50 theme content Creators community to Atocha Puzzle Platform with each community at least 1 active Creator

Objective 2: Onboarding 5000 users (playes) to Atocha Puzzle Platform

Objective 3: Organise 1 global hybrid treasure hunt combining virtual and physical interaction

In pursuance of these 3 objectives, we have several key results to achieve:

Tech Development Key Results

Key Result 1: Set up multiple-stage puzzle module which enables puzzle to be repetitively played.

The reason for us to develop this module is to reduce the cost of creation for the Creators whereby we realize that most of the puzzles are solved within hours once it is published by the Creator. With our current protocol version, each puzzle can only be solved once and the answer will be revealed to the public. This will deplete the puzzle supply drastically and it is impossible for us to keep up with the players.

Key Result 2: Set up Cross Word puzzle module which enables Creators to create crossword puzzles based on keywords.

Word puzzles are one of the most common and well-accepted puzzle games. This is one of the most achievable puzzle format for the team and it is sustainable to the ecosystem as there will be no end in creating a crossword puzzle. Hence, we think this is one of the strategy for us to create a basic infrastructure for the users to utilize.

Key Result 3: Set up Multiple Choice Questions/Quiz module which enables Creators to engage through pre-set questions and choices of answers.

Again, this is another most common format that can be found in global quiz platforms like Kahoot, Quizzit, and more. We believe that this is a serviceable obtainable market which the existing platforms have done the awareness building works. We are here to provide a unique value proposition for the existing users (Creators and Players) where we have a ecosystem and infrastructure that could allow all stakeholders to grow together. Besides, Atocha Protocol has its unique Atocha Point system and $ATO coins as its underlying economic model that could drive the incentives for the Players to be much involved.

Key Result 4: Set up Google Map integrated puzzle game which enables Creators to utilize Google Map coordinates to hide clues and treasures.

This is to leverage the existing metaverse that Google had built and familiar to most users. With this feature launched, we envision that it can become a tool for marketing as Creators can focus on creating geolocation-specific puzzles (treasure hunt) to help promote awareness/business for local business.

Key Result 5: Set up native Metaverse that could allow Creator to extend the puzzle game into native themed Metaverse.

The current version of the puzzle game available on Atocha Puzzle platform is relatively flat (as it only allows text, image and video). However, this will change when we could have our native Metaverse in place to allow the Creators to place their puzzle games into Metaverse, get more interaction between the Players and the game itself. In addition, we are also looking to increase the utility of $ATO by integrating the economy of the Metaverse based on $ATO. In other words, all assets within the Metaverse have to be traded with $ATO.

Key Result 6: Integrating Web2.0 signup/sign-in mechanism

The existing signup and sign-in mechanism to Atocha Protocol’s webapp is quite challenging as it needs users to have a Web3 wallet (specifically a Polkadot JS wallet, which we think is a little hard for new Web3 users). So, we aim to create a seamless signup/sign-in a mechanism where users can use their existing Twitter account (which may expand into Facebook, or Gmail) to sign up and create an account. The protocol will then create an underlying linked Web3 account for the particular user and this will be made available for the user to claim once they set up their Web3 wallet. With that, we believe it will be easier for any users regardless of their knowledge of Web3 to start playing and solving puzzles.

Users and Content Key Results:

Key Result 7: Accumulate 10000 active puzzles (in any format which can be repeatedly played).

The reason behind having 10,000 puzzles available at any point of time on the platform is to provide sufficient diversity and fun for the players to engage with. The team will be in charging to kickstart the first 1,000 puzzles and gradually ramp up the accumulation. Once the puzzles are stable and attract 100 players onboard, the team can start to ramp up the accumulation by onboarding more Creators.

Key Result 8: Set up 5 core puzzle communities with 100 members each.

With 5 core themes, the team is easier to focus on the onboarding process. The current core themes that we have in mind are Web3, travel, culture, history and food. With each core theme, we will be creating a respective targeted onboarding strategy to recruit more members to join the community. The setup will be a progressive effort as we will need to create one successful community first before proceeding to the next one.

Key Result 9: Onboard 50 B2B Partners that are either sponsoring/subscribing to Atocha Puzzle Marketing Scheme

This is an effort to create a sustainable cash flow for the project. In the meantime, it can bring in quality partners that can make the puzzle game ecosystem a holistic and mutually beneficial place to be in. The revenue will be channeled to fund the cost of operation, creative and marketing of Atocha puzzle platform.

As of 2023, we would like to be focusing on how to create better and more engaging puzzle game. Of course, we are always in the look out for collaborative partners to organize puzzle games and integrating Atocha Protocol with the game itself. If you are new to Atocha Protocol, feel free to join our social groups and read up our previous Medium posts.

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Atocha Protocol

Web3.0 Puzzle Game Protocol that is built to inspire the curious minds around the world. With Atocha, you can build, play and sponsor puzzle games!