Bunny Economics TheoryWhat you optimise your platform for is probably what’s ruining it. Do this instead.Feb 26, 2019Feb 26, 2019
Stop bragging about your tech in the app store, pleaseWhy this hurts sales and how to fix it.Oct 29, 20174Oct 29, 20174
Thinking about economic models and business modelsWe are limited by what we knowSep 16, 2017Sep 16, 2017
We need focus in apps, not alertsThe value of flow and alternatives to notificationsAug 1, 2017Aug 1, 2017
How Not to Make Design DecisionsThere are two ways to make solid design decisions, but I’m going to start by telling you the wrong way, the way that too many companies use…Jul 11, 2017Jul 11, 2017
How #FyreFestival Happened, or “That Time British Airways Paid Someone to Hold Me Hostage and…Stakeholders don’t always know what’s going on on the ground. And before social media, they didn’t care.Apr 29, 20171Apr 29, 20171
Connecting Digital and In-Store Experiences: How Barnes and Nobel’s Boutique Nook Store is…After Amazon’s physical book stores, Barnes and Nobel plans a physical Nook store to be launched this year.Feb 26, 2016Feb 26, 2016