One Bug at a Time: I failed my quiz on purpose to get $1,000!

Gavin Kramer
3 min readMay 11, 2023


Hello all! Glad to see you back : ) Today I will be writing about my first paid bug, it has a funny story line so read along!

Here is the art for today’s story by rez0 : )

So lets start with how I found this IDOR

  1. Setup: I was in English class on my laptop which is not my main hacking device. I was peeking around on burp suite, waiting for class to start and decided to look at this specific company.
  2. Recon: I first started with the scope of *, I did not know a lot about subdomain recon and what not which doesn't matter in this case. Also, In general most of the bugs I have found on platforms has been on the main application so don't forget to check that : ) I started browsing through every endpoint on the site, but there wasn't a lot of functionality I was seeing. Once I have browsed every possible link on the site I moved on to the second step.
  3. Analyze: Once I had all of those endpoints, I started looking through my burp suite site map which looked something like this:

After looking through a couple of these folders I saw a weird lonely endpoint. The endpoints name was “/opt-out/”. I went to check the request in burp but nothing rendered so I visited the URL in my browser. I then came with a page that looked like an older version of the website that let me enter an email to “Opt-Out” of their mailing lists and what not. This is normal functionality, but I wanted to see what happens when I submit an email. At this point my teacher said “we have a quiz today guys!” but I knew I found something interesting, so I decided to fail my quiz on purpose and fill in random answers so I could keep hacking.

4. Exploit: Once submitted, I got redirected to a new subdomain which looked extremely old, this peaked my interest for multiple reasons:

The new subdomain was something like: When I entered in an email I got this page asking to “Opt Back In” or “Do Not Email”. I then looked at the URL and saw ?profile_id=54613e813b35d0f1328c4533 ….. OK, we are getting somewhere ;) Now I go to change the id by 1 digit to ?profile_id=54613e813b35d0f1328c4534 and BOOM! A new email pops up. Perfect, I can now Opt-Out any user on this platform which includes password reset requests. I can also enumerate emails on this huge platform.

5. Report: My report included all of the details above and at the time, I wasn't the best at writing reports but it did the job. I included the steps to get to this endpoint, 2 screenshots of different emails, and an entire video of each step.

Here is a timeline for reference:

  • Reported: 2021–10–28
  • Internal Discussion: 2021–11–02 20:24
  • Triaged & Bounty: 2021–12–03 13:30
  • Resolved: 2022–02–09

6. Conclusion: I made $1,000 in class but consequently failed my quiz. In my opinion, it was worth it! Stay in school but maybe…. hack in school :)

