Prodigy for Reading

Jun 21, 2022


Prodigy for Reading

Imagine kids, sitting in small groups, earnestly and eagerly holding a discussion in English. Imagine the topics being learner-generated and the discussion natural, without formal comprehension questions or post-reading exercises. PRC helps make a solitary activity like Prodigy reading a shared experience & we end up sharing more than just about the books.

Prodigy Readers’ Club exposes you to new perspectives like Prodigy Reading Game. You also end up reading beyond your comfort zone simply by listening to other people talk about a particular work or genre. Besides, these meetings allow you to meet so many like-minded people sharing the same interest & same passion for reading. Prodigy for reading truly is a great intellectual stimulus.




We employ a powerful learning technique where the kids can see, feel and experience what they read in books.