Marketing resistance

Anton Trantin
4 min readJul 21, 2018


One day I realized that all the PR and marketing communications are just a BULL SH*T.

Having technical background and entrepreneurship experience I get used to structure my thoughts and put them on paper to be able to implement step-by-step. Everything was fine until I started working more and more with marketing people…

I have never seen a precise marketing plan or useful marketing communication with the audience from the ICO/Startup/Business world. Moreover, I don’t believe in PR built by someone but not founders/team members: all the contractors don’t know your project and don’t want to dive into it. You and your project are just a source of money for them.

Marketing communications are futile

So what?

If you really want to outreach your customers/investors, if you really want to build a strategy for communicating them — just give them what they need and want.

Be useful for them.

Don’t overload them in overwhelming information noise posting your smiley faces with “thumbs up” several times per day

Don’t abuse their trust to you.

Appreciate their patience and time.

Honor their attention to you.

Admire them staying in touch with you.

Be efficient in you marketing communications.

I don’t like just criticism without useful input that is why I decided to do the marketing in my own way based on the following principles:

  • be trustful
  • be transparent
  • be precise and concrete on what you tell

Each post in the channel I created —— is a piece of summarized information on what I ( do now in my projects.

Currently they are:

- YORSO — online B2B marketplace for fish and seafood industry —

- Innosoft — the IT company which focus now is in CV/ML systems and blockchain development —

- DIAMCO — blockchain ecosystem for tokenizing diamonds and bringing liquidity to the diamond industry through standardization and commoditization like ETF did for gold market 30 years ago —

All the projects I mentioned above are different.

  1. YORSO — is a working product with proven sales and VC investments after 4-years on the market. We try to digitalize and make efficient the old-fashioned offline fish and seafood industry.
  2. Innosoft — is a service company: we do development of different types of software projects and thus it works in a different way.
  3. DIAMCO — is an ICO-stage company. This industry now is extremely hot, full of scam and overpriced budgets.

Still not clear: what do you propose?

I believe the right way to build the communication is to answer one of the following questions and if not — just don’t put it into public:

  1. Is it useful for Investors? Does the information you provide help them to make right investment decisions and still keep trust in you and what you do?
  2. Is it useful for existing/future Clients? Do your messages keep clear on why your Clients would read them? Is there some new exciting functionality which helps them? New ways of saving money/time? New ways of increasing sales?
  3. Is it useful for the Team? Your team — is your family. It must know about your decisions, help you and trust you. If you hide something or they don’t understand what is in your head they just start imaging something what is usually is wrong because of your silence
  4. Is it useful for other projects / community / entrepreneurs? Does it help them to study from you? Does it help them to avoid their mistakes just looking at you? Does it save them money and time? Stop working with their emotions, you and your project are not “kitties”, do what is really valuable for them!
  5. ARE YOU HONEST? I get tired on constant success of everyone. Just take a look at 100% of the project: they are so proud and so succeed that sometimes I can’t understand why they are not billionaires still. My rule since now is to post fails too. I got very clear experience while studying in CMU MSIT SE Master’s program that the best way to become wise is to fail and learn, fail and learn, fail and learn. Showing mistakes is the only way to be honest to all the mentioned people above on what you do and the only honest way to communicate with them. Don’t decide for them: just provide trustful information and they will decide on their own. I also believe that you can get a bunch of useful insights and inputs from the community who believe you to help on many issues your project is facing right now. Thus, why don’t you use people’s experience?

What kind of information will you provide there?

  • Project key metrics: sales, users, etc.
  • Key partnerships: new important clients, partners, contracts; moreover, I’ll explain on WHY this people/companies are important for us and what in fact this brings to project (instead of having some loud names/logo just for marketing purposes)
  • Project finance results: burn rate (especially interesting for the ICO project), income, loss
  • Project plans and status: what is done and what is not, who is fired/hired and why, what is failed and what is succeed, what worked for us and how much we lost for this

Well, your are welcome here and never hesitate to get in touch with me via facebook or telegram.

Let the experiment begin!



Anton Trantin

Principal at @Angelneers. Tech Entrepreneur & Executive. Yorso founder.