Next-Generation Learning Technology — The Ultimate Guide

4 min readJul 16, 2022

The learning technology arena was vast and complex before the COVID-19 pandemic hit and became even more so after that. It presented a new set of challenges that had many organizations in nearly all industries scrambling for a solution. Learning technology is imperative in any organization, which is why the E-learning market is ever-growing and surpassed $315 billion in 2021. Despite this, there is a wave of attrition and a widening skill gap due to a dynamically shifting workforce. Organizations can’t depend on simple learning management systems and the like anymore. They need a modern agile strategy, and that’s what next-generation learning technology is all about.

Differences from Previous LMS

When learning management systems became commonplace in offices and universities, support came to the employees in a new way, and administration was easier. However, as learning becomes even more digital, there are more possibilities to add in the old technology and create something new. The new LMS solutions provide much more such as monitoring, collaboration, and personalization. Organizations can create courses aimed at learning goals instead of having a predetermined course.

Combination of Support Tools

The next-generation learning technology eliminates the need to use multiple platforms for different tasks. Recent changes have given us all-in-one learning platforms that make it possible to have all apps, management tools, and learning services in one place. Submission, testing, shared data, learning analytics, assessment, collaboration, etc., are more accessible than ever.

Key Components of the New Learning Space

We already talked about how the learning space has changed due to the changing needs. There are some key features that next-generation technology incorporates and you should be looking for as well:

· Integration: The learning management systems don’t just have already-built courses anymore. They offer integration of libraries and data-sharing across different platforms.

· Personalization: One size does not fit all. Each person has their strengths and weaknesses. The next-generation technology offers personalization for every individual.

· Collaboration: Communication and sharing is easier than ever and come at a good time considering virtual and collaborative learning is in demand.

· Accessibility: The new designs are easily accessible on various devices.

· Learning assessment and analytics: Likely the best addition is the measurable outcomes. This component makes it easy to keep track and find room for improvement.

Challenges to Learning Technology

To become a learning organization, companies must step up and do more than just adopt a simple learning management system. There are significant challenges in adopting next-generation technology:

· A Lack of Clear & Measurable Goals

Companies recognize the importance of learning and development. They even try to incorporate it for the betterment of companies and employees. However, a common mistake is adopting an LMS without being clear about your goals. Is it meant for employee onboarding, compliance training, etc.? A survey found that in non-profits, 1 out of 3 senior managers had no defined or compelling goals.

· Insufficient Incentives to Learn

Many employees want to learn; however, when they feel that they’re only learning for the company’s betterment and not their own, they become disengaged. Due to disengaged employees, there is a $7 trillion loss due to low productivity in the global workforce. Analyzing and bridging this gap can be the way to success for organizational learning. Take compliance training as an example, it’s difficult, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find employees that enjoy it. Using an LMS for compliance training isn’t going to help if they don’t have an incentive. Try using an LMS where each employee can have a different training profile and be given their own goals to encourage them to learn.

Read More: LMS for Compliance Training

· Unawareness of the Best Technology/Process as Per Needs

You’ve figured out what you need; great! But do you know what technology and/or processes you need to achieve that goal? This requires research and reviewing features each technology offers to see if it’s right for your company.

Axis LMS — The Top Learning Management System for Business

Learning is more than just going through books and staying in school for years. Next-generation technology is quickly changing how we see learning and making it more efficient. Learning management is a part of that too. There are many options in that, too, but if you need the best learning management system that fits your needs, pick a learning management system that can be modified to fit your needs. If you’re looking for an efficient LMS with several features, try Axis LMS by Atrixware.

You can use an LMS for employee training, compliance training, and more. This LMS is suitable for training in nearly every sector. Visit their website or contact them to learn more about their features and pricing plans.

