Guide to Ergonomic Baby Shoes

Attipas Baby Shoes Ireland
3 min readDec 16, 2017

When shopping for baby shoes, there are many factors to consider. You can move away a bit of cuteness. Before the baby looks glamorous, you have to make her feel comfortable. With many brands in the market, you can quickly get confused. Most parents think that the primary concern is style. However, there is more to that. Here is a list of what you should consider before shopping for ergonomic baby shoes.

1] Durability of the Toe

This is something that can cost you when buying baby shoes. When the baby is crawling, the toe top becomes a primary point to get in contact with the ground. Having a small baby is like experiencing a tornado. Moving from place to place and crawling everywhere- on soft, smooth and rough surfaces. With all these movements, the toe becomes dragged on many surfaces till it gets ripped off. You should, therefore consider buying shoes with a rubber sole that come all the way to the toe area. Avoid shoes with stitching at the toe area- unless you are ready to spend more on your baby shoes.

2] Support and Stability

From sitting to standing and now making the first step! At this level, consider buying shoes that will give your baby stability. They should have a broad and firm base area, wider toe with adequate arch support. Your baby bones are development too way fast. It is, therefore, prudent to give them required support for development. With better support, your baby will tend to walk quicker and gain the balance.

3] Comfort

Accessing comfort can be a hard task. This is because the baby cannot complain when pressed. It is hard to tell how your baby feels. If the baby is crying as you try to squeeze that shoe, then know that pump is small. Taking more time to putting on the shoes indicates that the size is small. If the toes hit the front of the shoe, then it is probably small. A baby who feels uncomfortable will begin to pull a stand or cry when sees the shoes.

4] Lightweight

Don’t make your baby feel feels as if he is pulling a rock. Stout shoes are good for big kids but not for toddlers. Your baby is trying to make those first steps. If possible, do not out him any boots. But if it is a must, then get light shoes that will help the baby makes moves. You can get heavy socks shoes. They are light, breathable, flexible and protective.

5] Get the Right Size

When getting ergonomic baby shoes, color and cuteness come second after the right size. Too small shoes will impede foot development. Big size will not fit comfortably and neither will it support baby’s ankle. If possible, shun ordering your baby first shoes online. Get to a kids shoe store and have a professional measurement.

Purchasing toddler’s shoes requires keenness. It is an essential phase for you and your baby. Make it enjoyable and fun. With the right shoes, your baby will enjoy making steps and will walk quickly. With the above guide, be assured to get the best shoes for your little one.

Read More about: How to Shop for Smart Baby Shoe & Best Smart Toddlers Shoe



Attipas Baby Shoes Ireland

I believe the crucial importance of the legs and their activity, so I want to create the best supportive shoe designs in the world!” — says Mr. Oh Dong Jae, Att