FREYR Battery is a developer of next-generation, clean battery cells. They have joined the Fair Cobalt Alliance

2 min readNov 24, 2021


FREYR Battery (NYSE: FREY) (“FREYR”) is a developer of next-generation, clean battery cells. FREYR joined the Fair Cobalt Alliance (“F.C.A.”) to demonstrate its commitment to developing a sustainable global industry for production.

The F.C.A. is a multi-stakeholder platform that promotes responsible supply of cobalt artisanal from the Democratic Republic of Congo. It also creates and diversifies sustainable livelihoods for local communities. The F.C.A. is focused on economic diversification, improving working conditions at mine sites, and supporting child rights.

Tom Einar Jensen is the CEO of FREYR.

We are currently in a major energy transition. We are moving away from fossil fuels and towards battery-powered technology.

“Cobalt is an essential component in

production, and we are focused upon sustainable supply to support our production of clean, low-cost, and low-carbon batteries cells for a better world.”

“This alliance is an important platform for us to drive impact through making investments to empower people working in the artisanal mining communities, as well the surrounding communities.”

Dr. Assheton Carter, F.C.A. executive director, said:

FREYR is welcome to Fair Cobalt Alliance.

“They join other industry actors in recognizing the legitimacy of cobalt mining operations that are responsible and committed to investing in actions to make artisanal mines safer, less harmful to the environment, and better conditions for workers at the mines.”

Glencore, one of the largest natural resource companies globally, has announced its membership to the F.C.A. for 2020. In addition, FREYR announced in November that Glencore and Glencore had signed a contract for the sustainable and recycled supply of cobalt.

FREYR is committed to developing sustainable and responsible supply chains for batteries materials. FREYR’s Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the Company’s sustainability expectations for its suppliers.

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Originally published at on November 24, 2021.

