Swarm Fund: Your gateway to democratized finance and collaborative ownership.

Kambar Ali Khan
5 min readOct 23, 2017


What is Swarm Fund ?

Swarm Fund is a fully decentralized capital market place that democratizes investing by using the power of the blockchain to open up high return, alternative investment classes to smaller investors through asset backed fund by using cryptocurrency tokens. Swarm Fund is a bridge between crypto world and real world assets. Swarm fund is designed to bring $1 trillion of real assets into blockchain world by bringing tokenized real world assets through partner funds. Swarm will give token holders full control who will govern the platform in which all of this will happen and they will receive additional tokens on the private blockchain. It will allow the token holder to participate in all of the subfunds. This system is fully adaptable for full regulatory compliance in multiple jurisdictions. Swarm is designing technology which is logic programming-based “state box” to ensure successful execution of program instructions and an operational liquid democracy platform and it is likely that Swarm’s this technology will also be used by other industries. Swarm fund has made a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who has managed $10B in portfolios and built platforms which handle $25B of monthly deal flow and has already several pre-selected funds which generate 30+% Internal rate of return through scalable models with the help of artificial intelligence.

Drawbacks in current investment models.

Crypto currency holders face very limited choice of investment as they have to select between two extremes, one is highly established crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and second is recently issued tokens like Altcoins. These two categories have significant challenges from investment point of view. For Bitcoin and Ethereum, fluctuation in values is the major factor. From investment point of view, it could be acceptable but from predictable preservation of value, it is highly unacceptable. For investment in Altcoins, It is difficult for many investors to clearly understand the market dynamics of the coins. The challenges are primarily related to the evaluation of assets, before investment and lack of liquidity, after investment. Let’s take a look on market problems in traditional investing, Real-estate investors mostly face three major challenges, First is that the most profitable deals are for insiders only and to access them requires assistance of middlemen which is costly, often untrustworthy and second is large amounts of money is required to participate in the best opportunities. Third and worst of all, investment is often tied down for an indefinite amount of time.

Mission of Swarm fund is the solution of all problems.

Swarm mission is to allow anyone from anywhere in the world to participate in value addition within the crypto asset category and to gain opportunity in new types of asset-backed tokens. Swarm has opened the financial opportunities for everyone. Swarm fund provides the access and tradability so that anyone can take part and have their crypto funds work for them. Swarm will make it extremely simple for crypto investors to participate in the composite of wealth creation resulting from utilizing the crypto space. Creating viable framework and hub for crypto investors to invest into alternative, asset-backed token opportunities in order to avoid market volatility. Introduce a new alternative liquidity hub for project owners with attractive underlying economics to find capital and engage with the investor community. Swarm allows experts to run their own syndicates and have other crypto investors join them in projects and deal opportunities, without involving middlemen. Swarm is building an ecosystem of experts to allow crypto investors to follow and co-invest with them. This changes the mechanics of the traditional fund model as investments can be as large or small as the investor wants them to be, and they can operate the fund structures very flexibly and easily. Also, it breaks up the syndicates of gatekeepers and rigid structures of institutional capital requirement.

Swarm innovations.

Swarm fund has made to innovations, First is Liquid democracy and second is process language.
Liquid democracy involves delegated voting and implies that someone can delegate their vote to another party at any point, for as long of a period as they desire. This allows them to maintain a degree of control without having to participate in decision making. This is in some ways similar to the decision an investor makes when they give someone capital for project, the key distinction in a liquid democracy is that the investor retains control of the capital.

The Problem is each class of asset demands specialised management and reporting procedures that need to be implemented by a smart contract. Process language (also called statebox) is to monitor, describe and execute workflows. Processes are an fundamental part of investment workflows and assessing assets, therefore they constitute a key part of the Swarm platform’s research mission. By using a process language, which is the fundamental tool to implement smart contract, Swarm gain on various fronts.

Swarm token.

The SWARM token is a standard ERC20 token (on Ethereum platform) that allows one to use the Swarm software platform.
SWARM token has unlocked the utility to create subfunds, participate in token offerings of Swarm projects, get access to information which is exclusive to our network, and execute network governance functions. Participation of its members is key to the Swarm platform. It is similar to models used by Visa, SWIFT, where common infrastructure is maintained by members of the organizations. The SWARM tokens are created for the network to govern a market infrastructure for a much larger pool of assets running on the Swarm
Utility Network. The initial supply of SWARM tokens is dimensioned for
an asset pool of $5B in value. As the capital deployed into the Swarm Utility Network surpasses the threshold value of $5B, the Swarm foundation can issue tokens at a fixed rate (3.5%) relative to the amount of capital raised. For example, $100mm of fiat will authorize the creation of 3.5mm new tokens. The rate may be adjusted periodically by Swarm’s governing bodies. The Swarm foundation may use this for sustainable future financing and development budget.

For more information, please visit the following links.

WEBSITE: http://www.swarm.fund

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/theswarmfund

Telegram: http://t.me/swarmfund

BLOG: http://swarm.fund/blog



Kambar Ali Khan

Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) & Cryptocurrency enthusiastic. #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Blockchain #ICO