Cross Posting: What is it and should I be doing it?

Attraction Studio
2 min readAug 26, 2019


What is cross posting?

Cross positing is sharing the exact same post across different social media platforms. It’s a divided debate over whether to do it or not.

Example of cross posting

What is cross promoting?

The recommended alternative is “cross promoting”. You’re still using similar content — it’s just tweaked to suit the platform and it’s audience.

Not every bit of content works on all mediums.

  • Facebook is a mix of visual with more text
  • Instagram is more visual
  • Linkedin is more business-based with owner generated content (not really pushing other people’s blogs so much.)
Example of cross promoting

Adapted Content

Where it is appropriate to use similar content on different channels, why not make the content work as hard as it can?

For example; an article or case study on your website: you might have a discussion and a shared preview of the article in Facebook, an image of the client using your product/service on Instagram and have ‘shoppable’ tags on the item, and on Linked In, a specific angle that appeals to businesses with the link to the case study on your website.

The text for each platform is slightly different. For example Instagram has hashtags and you can’t put a link in the post text, but the description could cover similar stuff.

Another example; a product promotion would be suitable on Facebook, supported by an artistic preview for “the making of” on an Instagram story, but not be so suitable for Linked In as it’s more sales directed.

Likewise, if you’re doing a fun, behind the scenes post of your team’s lunch spread, it might not make sense to post a picture to your company’s LinkedIn page — but it could be great content for Facebook, or even your brand’s Instagram Story.



Attraction Studio

At Attraction Studio we are a flexible team of diverse thinkers, designers and collaborators. We’re inspired by partnering with likeminded clients to help them