CS 371p Spring 2023: Abbey Truong

Abigail Truong
2 min readApr 10, 2023


  • What did you do this past week?

I reviewed class notes and read the assigned paper.

  • What’s in your way?

Nothing is in my way; I plan to start Life tomorrow.

  • What will you do next week?

I will work on Life with my partner as well as do work for other classes.

  • What did you think of Paper #12. Why extends is evil

I thought it had some good points, especially in the cases where changes to the base class can make child classes break. However, I do have a question about why inheritance shouldn’t be used. I thought the purpose of inheritance was so that code could be reused between classes that have similar purposes. However, with only sharing an interface, if the Stack and Stack variant need similar functionality, that code would need to be written twice, which seems like it would make it hard to change if there were a bug found in that code, since it would need to be changed in multiple places. Is this problem supposed to be solved by including an instance variable of the “base class” instead of inheriting from it?

  • What was your experience of allocators and vectors? (this question will vary, week to week)

This got more complicated, as I was confused with the allocator_traits. I had the same question as Akin had in class, because I was confused why would need to pass in the allocator itself for things like fill if you already have a pointer to the beginning and end of the vector.

  • What made you happy this week?

I did some planning and cooking with my senior friends in preparation for an appreciation dinner and performance, plus celebrating someone’s birthday. It was nice to work with them and spend time with them.

  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is the lift feature on the latest iOS version (not sure what it is called exactly). You can just tap and hold on the subject of an image, and then it will automatically “lift” the subject from its surroundings and you can copy it.

