Job Market vs Future Trends: Dream Job Search Stats

Akhilesh Telkar
9 min readJul 2, 2024

This article will dive deep into the crucial self-assessment process, helping you uncover your passions, interests, values, and strengths to guide your career path.

Current Job Market Vs Future Trends: Statistics And Current Trends Of The Dream Job Search

The landscape of the job market is a dynamic one, constantly evolving and adapting to the multifaceted influences of technology, economic conditions, and societal trends. As we delve into the current state of the job market, it is essential to understand that it is a vast ecosystem, influenced by an array of factors such as economic policies, technological advancements, demographic shifts, and changing societal norms and expectations.

Before we start, Let’s take a look at the current job market situation:

Employability among graduates in 2023–2024 by degree

The above graph shows the employability among graduates in 2023–2024 by degree where undergraduates in the Masters of Business Administration domain had the highest employability rating at about 71 per cent, an increase from the previous year. The Polytechnic domain had the lowest employability rate of around 22 per cent.

Unemployment rate by education level

The above graph shows the Unemployability rate as per the education level. As per the Periodic Labor Force Survey, the unemployment rate among individuals with secondary education and above was 8.6 per cent, the highest among other levels of education. Although the unemployment rate within this category fell from 9.1 per cent in the previous financial year.

Now that we have taken a look at the current job market situation, Let’s dive into this more.

Identifying a person’s interests and choosing a career path that aligns with those interests can be quite daunting. Discovering Your Passion is a critical step in the job search process as it enables individuals to identify their interests, values, strengths, and career preferences.

To do so let’s start with a practical exercise:

Start by creating a list of activities, hobbies or subjects that genuinely excite and energize you. Consider past experiences where you have felt most fulfilled or engaged. For example, if writing and communication is your strong pursuit then content creation and public speaking can be written down as areas of interest.

Reflecting on core values and principles that guide your decisions and actions in life will be useful in deciding a career path. Consider what matters most to you in a work environment, such as work-life balance, work culture, creativity, social impact or autonomy.


The Holland code, also known as the RIASEC model, categorizes interests into 6 themes as follows:







The Holland Occupational Themes is a theory of personality that focuses on career and vocational choice. It groups people based on their suitability for six different categories of occupations. The six types yield the RIASEC acronym, by which the theory is also commonly known.

The test consists of 48 tasks that you will have to rate by how much you would enjoy performing each on a scale of (1) dislike (2) slightly dislike (3) neither like notnora Many self-assessment tools canHYPOTHESIS-DRIVEN dislike (4) slightly enjoy (5) enjoy.

Taking a Holland code assessment to identify your dominant interest areas will allow you to explore career options aligned with your passions.

The starting point in the career development process is identifying your skills, values, interests, and preferences to determine what types of positions are of interest and would be a good fit.

There are many self-assessment tools that can be used to help with this process. Some of these can be self-administered and others must be administered by a counselor who is trained and can assist you with interpreting the results.

These tools will NOT tell you what career or position is the perfect match but they will help you gain insight about yourself so that you can articulate what is important to you, focus your job search, and assist you in evaluating options.



The hypothesis-driven framework is a formalized way to maximize your potential through your genuine curiosity.

The hypothesis-driven career framework breaks down into 3 simple steps:

1. Build your hypothesis: Develop a hypothesis of an industry or job function that sounds like something you would be interested in exploring.

2. Test your hypothesis: Reading articles on the subject matter, networking with people who have experience in the same space, cold emails and calling working professionals to get a feel of the industry that you are researching about all help in determining if it is the industry/job is right for you.

The goal is to constantly test and refine your hypothesis. As you learn more and dig deeper, you can focus time on higher commitment ways of testing like cold emailing for chats and internships

3. Evaluate your hypothesis: Reflect on your test. Do you continue to find this hypothesis interesting and worthwhile for further exploration?

Let’s consider an example:

If Nisha wishes to pursue an internship in the marketing industry as a result of her interests inclining towards marketing, then there are 2 possible outcomes:

1) She loved the internship and wishes to explore further into marketing

2) She didn’t like the internship and wishes to try something new

These 2 outcomes are both equally helpful in analysing whether or not Nisha will pursue marketing as a full-time career option as it gives clarity based on her interests and will guide her towards the better option.

Hence this is a very important framework that must be adopted by all individuals who are in their job search journey.

In recent years, the job market has seen a significant transformation, largely propelled by technological advancements. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation has disrupted traditional job roles, creating a demand for skills that did not exist a few years ago. For instance, roles in data science, AI, and machine learning have gained prominence. This technological revolution has led to the creation of a ‘new-collar’ job market, where skills and capabilities take precedence over formal education and degrees.
The global economy also plays a pivotal role in shaping the job market. The recent economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in unemployment rates worldwide. However, it also led to the growth of remote work and the gig economy, offering flexibility and independence to workers. This shift towards remote work has also opened up opportunities for job seekers to apply for positions beyond their geographical location, expanding their prospects.
Demographic shifts, such as an aging population in many developed countries, have also influenced the job market. There is a growing demand for healthcare professionals, social workers, and other roles related to elder care. On the other end of the spectrum, the entry of Generation Z into the workforce is changing workplace dynamics, with a greater emphasis on diversity, inclusion, and work-life balance.
Societal norms and expectations are another factor shaping the job market. Today’s job seekers are not just looking for a paycheck; they prioritize meaningful work, opportunities for growth and learning, and organizational culture. Employers who are responsive to these expectations are more likely to attract and retain talent.
However, it is important to note that the job market is not uniform across different regions and industries. While some sectors like technology and healthcare are booming, others like retail and hospitality have been hit hard by the pandemic. Similarly, job market conditions vary across different geographical locations, with some areas experiencing higher unemployment rates than others.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. The rise of the digital economy has created a plethora of jobs in e-commerce, digital marketing, and cybersecurity. Green jobs are also on the rise, driven by increasing awareness of environmental issues and the push for sustainable practices.
Navigating the current job market requires adaptability, lifelong learning, and a proactive approach. It is no longer enough to rely on traditional job search methods. Networking, both online and offline, personal branding, and continuous skill development are some of the strategies that can help job seekers thrive in this dynamic market.
In the face of these changes and uncertainties, one thing remains clear: the job market is not static, but a constantly changing landscape. Keeping abreast of these changes and trends can help job seekers and employers alike to navigate this landscape effectively, seize opportunities, and mitigate challenges. Understanding the current state of the job market is the first step towards finding your job in this complex and ever-evolving ecosystem.
The job market is a dynamic, ever-changing landscape influenced by technology, economic conditions, and societal trends. Recent advancements, such as AI and automation, have reshaped job roles, emphasizing skills over formal education. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote work and gig economy growth, expanding job seekers’ opportunities. Demographic shifts and evolving societal expectations also play a crucial role. Job seekers must adapt by continuously learning, networking, and personal branding. Understanding these factors is essential for navigating the job market and finding the right job.
Action Items
Research Technological Trends:
Action Step: Identify three technological advancements impacting your industry.
How to Take Action: Start by reading industry-specific reports and articles. Follow influential tech blogs and attend webinars or online courses. ( Ref Linkedin, Medium post)
Example: If you’re in marketing, look into how AI-driven tools are automating customer data analysis. Enroll in a course on AI in marketing to stay ahead of the curve.
Evaluate Economic and Demographic Influences:
Action Step: Assess how recent economic changes and demographic shifts have affected job opportunities in your field.
How to Take Action: Analyze job market reports, attend industry conferences, and engage in professional networking groups.
Example: If you’re in healthcare, note the rising demand for telehealth services due to the pandemic. Join a professional network like LinkedIn groups focused on telehealth to connect with industry leaders and stay updated on job openings.

Short Video on Job search:

Getting the Future You Want

By following the ATOM framework, you can systematically work towards finding the right job that aligns with your talents and aspirations. This structured approach not only increases your chances of landing your dream job but also ensures you continue to grow and develop in your chosen career.

With ATOM, you’re not just aiming for a job; you’re striving for a fulfilling and successful career that allows you to reach your full potential.

In a rapidly evolving job market, finding the right career can be challenging. “ATOM JOBS” is your comprehensive guide to navigating this journey. From understanding current trends and crafting the perfect career roadmap to leveraging AI and social media, this book covers all aspects of the job search process. With practical tips on networking, acing interviews, and continuous professional development, “ATOM JOBS” equips you with the tools to land your dream job and build a fulfilling career.

How ATOM Can Help You Find Your Dream Job

  1. Identify Your Talents:
    — ATOM helps you to pinpoint your strengths and skills, making it easier to understand what you excel at and how these talents can be applied in the job market.
  2. Set Clear Goals:
    — Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is a crucial part of the ATOM process. This ensures you have a clear roadmap to follow.
    — Example: Setting a goal to apply for at least Six relevant job positions each week.

3. Develop Your Skills:
— ATOM encourages continuous learning and skill development. This could involve taking courses, attending workshops, or gaining certifications that are relevant to your desired career path.
— Example: Enrolling in an online course to improve your proficiency in a key software used in your industry.

4. Achieve Milestones:
— Breaking down your larger goals into smaller, manageable milestones helps in tracking progress and maintaining motivation.
— Example: Completing an internship or freelance project to gain practical experience.

5. Build a Network:
— Networking is an essential component of ATOM. Connecting with professionals in your field can provide valuable insights, opportunities, and support.
— Example: Joining industry-specific groups on LinkedIn, and Facebook and participating in relevant discussions.

6. Stay Persistent and Positive:
— The ATOM approach emphasizes resilience and a positive mindset. Staying persistent in your efforts, even in the face of setbacks, is key to achieving your goals.
— Example: Keeping a journal to track your progress and reflect on your achievements and learnings.

ATOM: Attain Talent and Optimal Milestones

ATOM stands for “Attain Talent and Optimal Milestones.” It is a structured approach designed to help individuals identify, develop, and leverage their talents while achieving key milestones in their career journey.

Register now and get your free copy of “ATOM JOBS” for a limited time as part of our prelaunch offer!



Akhilesh Telkar

Unlocking Human Potential through Content & Books | Best Selling Author | Book Writing Mentor | Creator of See "U" in "YOU" | AI Marketing |Passiontech Mentor