“It Works”- How to Find Your Path in Lost World

Akhilesh Telkar
4 min readApr 16, 2024

Once a man was lost in the desert, unable to find his way back home; he had lost food, water, and everything; he only found sand and empty land wherever he saw, so he started walking for several kilometres and hours

He could not reach his place because he was unsure if he was headed down the correct path. With no choice, he starts walking toward his destination, fearing that he might get exhausted and die there. He saw a water pump at a distance; he gathered all his energy to walk towards the water pump and some relief after seeing the water pump and let a sigh of relief because only water could save him from dying. He was very thirsty, winds of sand splashed over his face and was going in his mouth, and he was desperately looking for water then he started pumping, checked the water inlet it was not there, pumps twice checks again the water was not coming, again pumps 3 to 4 times water not there, this continues for some time, he pumps every time and reviews if there is any water coming out from pump…

He was disappointed and lost all his energy and decided to move on, but before leaving, he pumped the water pump tough with full strength one last time.

Then he started walking a few steps, then turned around and checked there was one drop of water from the inlet; he ran to the inlet side of the pumps, happy and tasted that one drop of water on his tongue

He felt great and decided to pump the water pump hard enough to get some more water, so he pumped again very hard and little by little water started coming. He drinks happily until his stomach is complete, then splashes water on his face, his head to his entire body. He feels pleased that he finally got water; whatever he had, like a bottle, he fills it so that he can carry a little further on his journey and decides to move on…

Then he suddenly stumbles on a small stone, which makes him recall his instinct; he picks up that stone, returns to the pump, and then writes on it in the big letter “IT WORKS”…

So what is the lesson from the story?

Sometimes we lose our focus in life in finding the answers.

  1. Which path to go?

2. Where to go?

3. What next to do?

4. Whom to contact?

Because what you consume every day, today, every time matters the most; if you want to become the person you admire the most, stop looking for answers outside and start answering the questions that come from inside.

So my Idea behind creating this post I struggled with and had no clarity on when I started my career. Still, I gained more clarity, more wisdom more power to handle any situation in life when I found the formula for “Find “U” in “You.” by following my passion. My biggest realization is that I am mixing my Passion and technical skills as Passion + Tech = Passiontech

Find “U” in You” is a movement; join me in spreading goodness; let’s spread the magic of love. Read Free full Book here.

Just like the desert man story where he writes “IT WORKS” on the pump and makes a path for others, let’s create a desire for a better life…

Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.

~ By David Goggins

Note: The Dhamma (Dharma ) path must be followed, and the teaching must be implemented; otherwise, it is a meaningless exercise. ( ~Vipassana)

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Join me as we embark on a journey of personal growth, craft your unique narrative, and embrace the essence of change. Together, we’ll navigate chapters that transcend words on a page — a journey that defines our truest selves.

On Mission to Unlock Human Potential through Content & Books | Author| Mentor for Writers |Unique Life Guide Creator-Book See “U” in “YOU”| Content Writer| Ghost Writer| Passion, Career & Paisa|

Thank you,

~Akhilesh Telkar

See “U” in “YOU” based on the topic Passion, Career & Paisa

Find “U” in “YOU” based on Self-discovery

Write Like a Pro — Book Writing Made Easy for You

Passiontech — AI Marketing



Akhilesh Telkar

Unlocking Human Potential through Content & Books | Best Selling Author | Book Writing Mentor | Creator of See "U" in "YOU" | AI Marketing |Passiontech Mentor