Water Dispenser Not Cooling: A Quick DIY Guide

Aubrey Ginsberg
5 min readSep 13, 2018


Water dispensers are among the most useful innovations that man has created. While it immediate makes available clean drinking water, it also has the ability to provide water in hot, cold or at room temperature options. This piece of equipment is excellent in giving hot water for coffee and warm beverages or food during cold temperatures.

Alternatively, it is also great to have a water dispenser around during the hot summer days since it provides cold water right away with just a push of a button. Despite the handiness and durability of water dispensers, just like any other machines and equipment it also has its shelf life or it is bound to malfunction along the way.

Yes, just like any other equipment, the water dispenser also has tendencies to malfunction — and in this specific case, a water dispenser not cooling.

Here we will share with you all you need to know how to fix this problem.

Identifying the problem for water dispenser not cooling

When we say that a water dispenser is not cooling or heating, it may be because of a few different problems. Each of the problems may cause an effect to the unit but can also provide a different effect depending on various conditions of the equipment such as the unit model, specifications, the capacity, and many others. Before trying to fix the problem, it is important to identify first the problem and find the details that could help fix the equipment.

Here are a few issues or concerns which may contribute to the water dispenser that is not cooling or heating and a few DIY remedies you can do to solve the issue.

Power problem

One of the obvious causes of any kind of malfunction on any system or machine is the power issue. Oftentimes, machines and electrical devices cease to function due to the insufficientamount or even absence of electricity. To see whether it is just a case of power problem, ensure that the unit is plugged appropriately to the source or outlet. You may also want to make a few tests on the plug or over the wiring of the dispenser to see if there are any cuts or damages that may restrict the flow of electricity.

Also, make sure that the dispenser is using the right amount of voltage or power. There are specific models of water dispensers that use a different or higher rate of volume especially if they are using a lot of features such as the hot or cold feature along with the fridge or cooler feature.

Compressor or refrigerant leakage

Another probable cause ofwater dispenser notcooling is simply because the compressor or the refrigerant of the unit has leakage. The compressor and the refrigerant are important components of the water dispenses which moves water from one tank to another and creates the hot or cold water. Leakage from these parts can be immediately detected when water is dripping or leaking out of the unit. Usually, the floor where the unit is stationed will immediately have leaks if this problem occurs.

Usually, this kind of problem will involve damaged parts such as the compressor, tubing or the pump which will need replacement. As soon as the damaged part or part that needs replacement has been identified, look up the part model in its label or simply bring the component to the water dispenser dealer for replacement. For complex models of water dispensers, it is best to let the professionals handle the issue in order to reduce further damage to the unit.

Dirty filters

Some water dispensers that are equipped with a filtration feature stop working whenever the filters are left unchanged or replaced. Filters sieve out dirt from water which in the long run could be blocking the passage of water to the tubes and coils that pump out water. Also, always ensure that the right model or specification of the filteris used on a specific model of the waterdispenser. Not all dispensers have the same filters and it is important to always use the right one.

Usually, dirty filters can also be immediately detected when there is an unusual taste in the water. Also, there will be a possible discoloration in the drinking water when the filter is left unchanged.

Water dispenser maintenance

According to Garry Pitzer from WaterZI, water dispensers are among the regularly used devices at home or in the office. This is why it is important to always keep it clean to ensure smooth functioningand to ensure that water which comes out of it is free from contaminants. Here are a few tips and advice to follow for water dispenser maintenance.

Plug off when not in use

Just like any other electrical equipment, the water dispenser will continually use power whenever it is plugged. If it is plugged, it will continually store an amount of water that is cold or hot. In this process, it can easily wear out the unit which can bring about to further damages to its parts. Also, if left unplugged it can consume unused energy which will just add up to the electricity bill.

Frequent cleaning

Water dispensers should always be kept clean both inside and out. On the exterior, wipe off any excess water or splatter which can flow to its circuits. If left unclean, it can either stain the unit or can also damage its parts that are corrosive.

When cleaning the components, make sure to switch off the unit and take off the parts carefully. It would be best to refer to the manual or diagram as the parts are removed to ensure easy reinstallation when cleaning is finished. To clean the parts, simply use a clean damp towel or tissue.

Our final thoughts

Owning a water dispenser does not relieve a person of the responsibilities to ensure that drinking water is always clean. The owner should always perform regular maintenance and upkeep to lengthen the life of the water dispenser. With these relevant informationmentioned in this article, you will able to give a quick fix to water dispenser not cooling should it arise.

