30 Days of Thankfulness: Day One

Sam Lovinsfield
2 min readNov 2, 2016


November 1st, 2016. The day that the Christmas music starts playing and the trees go up in preperation for one of the, if not the, most celebrated holiday in the world. However, in between the spooky spirits and ghoulish figures of Halloween and the angelically clad Christmas ornaments is a holiday that can be under appreciated. A day full of laughter and food. So. Much. Food. You know exactly what I’m talking about, Thanksgiving. I’m pretty sure I always gain at least 5lbs on this day. It is a day to reflect on the previous year, since it is almost over, and enjoy the little things life has to offer you. In honor of the little things, today I am starting 30 Days of Thankfulness. However, I am going to try to do some things that, personally, I find under appreciated, much like this holiday.

Day One: I am thankful for Thanksgiving, may as well start out with this.

I’m thankful for the enormous amount of food and the fact that I can gorge myself on sweet potato pie and green bean casserole. I’m thankful that I can do all of this without being judged because those around me are gorging themselves too. I’m thankful for the family time that happens on this day, because the rest of the year my family time is seriously lacking. I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn to cook, even though I am pretty much hopeless when it comes to not burning things. I am thankful for the opportunity to sit and listen for once instead of constantly talking. I am thankful for the time that I am able to just relax and not be stressed out. I mean Hallelujah for the down time that this holiday allows us to have, am I right? Thank you for being a solid, under appreciated holiday Thanksgiving.



Sam Lovinsfield

Living life with a Mental Illness. “Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt” {said no one ever}