Why I’m Answering “No” to Your Request to “Pick My Brain”

Aubyn Beth Casady
4 min readMay 29, 2020


Last Thursday, I made a post on LinkedIn. No article attached, no promotion, no contest, no cute picture of my twin girls (that was a different post) — just a regular, text only, quick and dirty post on LinkedIn about the love affair I was having with a particular product marketing project I was working on.

And then it began.

But before I tell you exactly what began, I want to make it clear: I am far from any kind of LinkedIn expert. I admit to putting myself way the hell out there on instagram, but on good ‘ol LI I’m usually just here for the laughs, the inspos, and the connects. I might score 4 or 5 thumbs if I’m lucky.

But last Thursday, things played out differently. The second I clicked “post”, the reactions and comments started pouring in…And then the messages. And then more messages…and then more. In total I received over 75 messages (and counting) — the majority of them asking to pick my brain, and for some version of mentorship. Holy. Crap.

And hey, I’ll own my shit: the post did suggest we connect if you’re interested in learning more about product marketing. But I figured at BEST I might get 1 or 2 former colleagues slide into my dms with a “Fuck Covid. I got laid off. Let’s grab drinks and Zoom about it.” I’d gladly entertain it, we’d get a little saucy, have a giggle, and maybe I’d help a friend find their path — or at least their confidence.

But instead I got nobody I knew. LITERALLY nobody. Every single person who messaged me was someone new, and interesting, and hungry, and excited to learn more about product marketing: What the hell it is, how I got into it, if I thought it would be a good fit for them, and if so, how they I suggest they get there too.

You guys I’m an enneagram 3 wing 2. My primary type is THE PERFORMER, so I won’t even act like 75 people asking me for help wasn’t the biggest ego stroke in the WORLD. And my secondary type is THE HELPER, so not only was I feeling pretty pleased with myself, but STOKED to start getting to work! Time to book these zooms and change the world!

But wait. FUCK. Remember that part about twin infants? Yeah. They’re 6 months. They’re stupid cute, and KIND of depend on me for literally everything.

Sorry team. I already have 2 women I’ve committed to mentoring.

And uh, remember that part about Covid, and the whole, not having childcare thing? And remember that part about the product marketing project I was already working on, at the product marketing job I already have?

Yeah. I’ve got a few things on my plate right now. So it took me a few days to figure out what the hell to do. Because I feel like a jackass, offering help, and then rescinding it. But I also know I’m an even bigger jackass if I commit to mentor 75 people and tell my kids, husband, and full-time job to go kick rocks.

So the outcome is this: A blog series.

A blog series I can commit to. Yes it means sitting out for tonight’s family game night, and locking myself in the bedroom with the white noise machine blaring, hoping no baby cry or overheard laughter will break my concentration. But I’m going to do it, in hopes of helping at least some of the 75 of you who are looking for a sign, or a push, or someone to tell them wtf their next step should or shouldn’t be.

If you’re one of the 75, or you’re someone new coming across my LinkedIn page, or you found me organically, then hi. I’m Aubyn, and I’m a product marketer who totally gets her rocks off writing compelling messaging, enabling sales, positioning products, and launching solutions. I’d love to *scalably* share my knowledge and experience in any way I can to help you find, realign, or continue on in your journey to find career happiness.

To scope part 1 of my blog series, Product Marketing: The Best Job You’ll Ever Have, click here.

