How is Auditory Processing Disorder Diagnosed?

2 min readAug 6, 2022


Kids with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), can leave their trainers, parents, and even therapists rubbing their heads wondering what is incorrect. Where is the breakdown? These kids will often fall through the system without acquiring the support they require because they are seen as distracted or “not trying.”

According Auditory Processing Center in atlanta GA, signs of APD can smoothly be misdiagnosed or overlooked. SCT blends our clinical expertise and internship to administer the proper diagnostic examinations that assess a child’s sensory and expressive language. These outcomes will often show problems with APD. Our therapists blend the test outcomes with details and reports from the youth’s school and house that deliver a framework for healing intervention and referrals for additional APD testing.

How is Auditory Processing Disorder Diagnosed?

Once we have all of the diagnostic knowledge, we can create a complete therapy plan that addresses specific APD plans specifically created for each customer. Our therapists work one on one with each customer to grow auditory processing and can determine suitable methods that will enhance auditory processing for each kid in their house and school atmospheres.

The exact diagnosis of APD must arrive from an audiologist who will assist with a combination of tests that need the listener to hear and react to differing signs, identify the order and ways of auditory signs, and complete sense of incomplete auditory input.

How is Auditory Processing Disorder Diagnosed?

Even though the exact diagnosis arrives from an audiologist, a multidisciplinary group practice is required to completely know the person’s child’s problems. Critical data from a speech-language pathologist, the kid’s teacher, psychologist, and audiologist offer a whole view of how the kid is harmed by APD.

According to Auditory Processing Therapist in atlanta GA, omprehensive research by a speech-language pathologist will allow you to pinpoint places of problem in your kid’s speech processing and resolve if an APD evaluation is required. If you are concerned about the probability of your kid having an Auditory Processing Disorder, talk with your pediatrician, who can assist and guide you to the proper resources.




Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is not your average hearing issue. The auditory areas of the brain accurately interpret the message received through the ear.