Reimagining The Renaissance Using DALL·E 2

Artificial Intelligence is changing the way art is perceived. How I used DALL·E 2 in my business to create new art, and to reimagine the Renaissance Period.

Audrey A Kuklewski
5 min readJul 2, 2022

What is DALL·E 2?

DALL·E 2 is an AI platform developed by OpenAI to create realistic images and art from descriptions in natural language. I applied for early access in April this year, in the hope that it might help me with my work running Olyinka Magazine, a digital magazine that focuses on body positivity and wellness.

Our magazine relies heavily on images for our articles, and the process of finding the right image to match the article can often be time-consuming and laborious. So, when I became aware of an AI program that could produce images from descriptions or prompts, I grabbed the opportunity, applied for access, and thought nothing more of it.

Two months later, I received an email from OpenAI saying that my submission was accepted, and after double and triple checking their email address, and putting it through an email verifier, I thanked the DALL·E 2 gods, and started using it immediately.

How to Use DALL·E 2

DALL·E 2 produces images that are based on the prompts provided by the user. The main page will have a text box for the user to input their prompt.

Example of prompts could be:

  • A Bauhaus style painting of Marilyn Monroe
  • An Andy Warhol Style Painting of a bulldog

I run a bespoke lingerie brand, Olyinka Lingerie, so my initial ideas were to create oil paintings of women in luxurious lingerie such as corsets and robes, gazing into mirrors, and as I was typing my prompt, I was already a little nervous.

The image could be really bad, or as I imagined. When I pressed generate, I received my first warning. My prompt had violated DALL·E 2 rules and my request was rejected. I was somewhat relieved but horrified at the same time, and it was at this point I realised that I needed to achieve two things:

  1. Be creative, but careful, with my prompts and ;
  2. Try not to ban myself from the DALL·E 2 platform…

So, my next prompt was: “Photo of a black woman wearing a luxury, silk, pleated, face mask.”

I was impressed. Though, not completely accurate, (no pleated face mask), I was still very pleased. The image is remarkable.

Applying DALL·E 2 To The Renaissance Period

If you wish to be creative with this platform, understanding the art style of the image you want to create is useful. Doing this will help DALL·E 2 produce your desired output correctly. For example,

  • A Matisse Oil painting of…
  • A Van Gogh style of…
  • High-Quality Photo of…

I have always been drawn to the Renaissance period in art, but was always frustrated by the lack of people of colour represented. After some research and producing a few images, I decided to focus on this particular style with a new perspective.

I put DALL·E 2 to work and started to reimagine The Renaissance Period with people of colour.

My next prompts were:

  • A Renaissance Oil Painting of black women, realistic faces, seated at a table.
  • A renaissance oil painting of black cherub angels on the Sistine Chapel walls.
  • A renaissance oil painting of a black woman wearing a silk fabric face mask.
A Renaissance Oil Painting of black women, realistic faces, seated at a table by DALL·E 2
A renaissance oil painting of black cherub angels on the Sistine Chapel walls by DALL·E 2
A renaissance oil painting of a black woman wearing a silk fabric face mask by DALL·E 2

In my last Medium Post, Resistance Is Not Futile, It’s Necessary, I used DALL·E 2 to produce Cubism art images of “female entrepreneurs experiencing frustration”. Mind blown.

Artists, Designers, Creators And Artificial Intelligence…

I researched DALL·E 2 to understand what other users, such as artists and designers, felt about the platform. I understand the apprehension that comes with this new type of technology; however, in my opinion, I don’t see DALL·E 2 as a threat. This technology still requires human interaction and creativity to produce any desired output. Not only that, but I can see how useful this tool could be in terms of design and creativity for artists and designers.

Business And Artificial Intelligence…

DALL·E 2 is a powerful, magical piece of software that can be used to save time, money, and resources. It can also enhance creativity and collaboration, which is good for any business. This software provides a rare opportunity to generate images that a business may need quickly and easily, without compromising on quality or meaning.

I am very pleased with the Platform’s output so far, though it is still in Beta phase. I have found that some images are a hit-and-miss, and it took a few prompts to get the desired result, but overall, I am very pleased with the output. I am excited to explore the potential of this tool and to see how it can help my brand continue to build a more inclusive and positive media space. As a Founder, Designer, and Creative, the possibilities are immense and exciting.

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Enjoy x



Audrey A Kuklewski

Founder of Olyinka Lingerie | Navigating the world of business & entrepreneurship, one bra-set at a time. My brand: Invest here: