Augur Weekly Report — May 29th

4 min readMay 30, 2019


Development Update

In the last week, the team has been continuing work on Heretical Honeydew, with the goal being completion the first phase of middleware integrate with the UI. This would unlock the ability for the UI to become integrated with the new v2 contracts. At the same time, the design team is moving ahead and re-thinking how the whole UI works for V2.

Work has been going down three parallel paths:

  1. Design has been concentrating on building new Market Cards — the component which displays all the relevant information about markets. The new designs incorporate all the things learned in V1; including scaling to all display sizes, allowing call-outs per market, and other details. Many hours have also gone into a revamped market creation flow. The over-all goal of the new flow is to make it super easy for people to make high quality markets, by better walking people through the process.
  2. The UI team has taken the last two weeks to dive head-first into the tumultuous process of converting the UI to typescript. Moving to typescript will speed up future development and reduce errors. Also, since the new middleware is completely typescript, including all external interfaces — the UI devs are able to take advantage of the full typescript stack immediately. Alongside this, there’s been an effort to re-factor components in the app and to move the entire UI codebase over to the newer style guide.
  3. In the last three weeks, the backend/middleware team has been working to get everything in order for the UI team to begin implementing new UI designs in the v2 framework. The first attempts at this were a little bit shaky, and the team pulled back slightly; focusing on defining the major pieces of the API necessary to build the trading page. The end of this sprint will see all pieces necessary to support the trading page being completed or being very near completion.

Additionally, work to improve the quality of the main market list by allowing filtering by liquidity has been in progress. A release with a new algorithm for a liquidity sort will be coming in the next few days.

Starting next sprint we will be moving to a new internal versioning scheme for all v2 work. The current chunk of integration preparation has been labelled “v2.0a.” Next week, the UI and Backend teams will be working together to begin “v2.0b,” which will be another internal release focused on getting the Trading, Account, and Portfolio pages working with the v2 contracts and middleware. We expect to settle into a bi-weekly cadence at that point.

Check out what’s happening this sprint on Github — and as always, file bugfixes, suggestions, and join the Augur Discord to interact with the community about where Augur can go next.

Augur Metrics

Pre-Finalization Markets: 455

All-Time Finalized Markets: 1,985

Pre-Finalization Open Interest: $530,111.04 (1,945 ETH)

CASH Contract: $1,105,611.76 USD (4,055 ETH)

ETH Price: $272.61

Joey Krug Joins Base Layer Podcast

You can follow the above link for an invigorating conversation on Augur and the broader crypto ecosystem.

The Forecast Foundation has no role in the operation of markets, trades or actions created or performed on the Augur protocol, nor does it have the ability to censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets created on the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has no more control over the Augur protocol than anyone else using Ethereum.

Thus, we do not seek to advise others on how to use the protocol. We encourage those in the community that are well educated on Augur to pay it forward and share their ideas for best practices, tips, fixes and etc with the larger community via Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Github and other community channels. For more information regarding the role of the Forecast Foundation, checkout the FAQ.


The Forecast Foundation OU




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.