“Seeing the World Through My Father’s Eyes”

2 min readFeb 4, 2023


African father and son moment

My father, Kwame, was raised in James Town, Accra, and he had a deep love and appreciation for the natural beauty of his hometown. As we walked through the bustling streets of Accra, he would often reminisce about how things used to be, telling me stories of a greener, cleaner world.

One day, on our way home from town, my father told me how the areas around James Town were once covered in lush vegetation. The waters that now flowed as gutters and sewerages were once clean and home to an abundance of fish and crabs. He talked about how the landscape had changed over the years and how it saddened him to see the destruction of the environment.

My father had a passion for education and a love of animals, and these two passions intertwined in many ways. As a young man, he learned the art of shoemaking from his father and brothers, and he went on to use his skills to create shoes and sandals that were both beautiful and functional. This love of crafting and creativity carried over into his work as a school administrator at St. Paul’s, where he brought his love of nature to the students, encouraging them to learn about different species and their habitats.

He was dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for learning and growth, and his passion for education inspired countless students. However, Kwame’s dream of starting his own school, Credence, did not come to fruition due to a lack of capital. Despite his hard work and best efforts, Credence School did not take off and it broke his heart. Despite this setback, Kwame never lost his love for education and continued to make a difference in the lives of students through his work at St. Paul’s.

One night, as we sat outside chatting and talking about animals, he told me to always keep livestock or animals at home. He wanted to instill in me the same love and appreciation for the natural world that he had.

Through my father’s eyes, I saw the importance of following your dreams, loving others, and making a positive impact on the world, even in the face of setbacks and change. I am grateful for the lessons he taught me and for the unique perspective he brought to the world. I will always remember the world as I saw it through my father’s eyes, and I will always strive to make him proud.

