Fairy Sword loves the sky

5 min readAug 23, 2022


“If you don’t mind calling me Sister Suyu.” Beauty, oh no! Suyu raised a smile and said softly. ***. ***. Suyu, your name is Suyu! “Porcelain soft feel blue sky thunderbolt general stupefied on the spot, trembling to confirm again.” What’s the matter? Is there anything wrong with Suyu’s name? Suyu looked at someone who began to walk violently in puzzlement. Porcelain Rou paced back and forth in front of her, saying in her mouth: “Suyu, Suyu, that Suyu!”! Niang ah, how to meet the first person is her, such a beautiful beauty really should be her, but. But At the moment of the porcelain soft squatting on the edge of the haystack, while pulling the innocent grass side, but nothing came out for a long time, and finally dejected hung his head, feeling that the future is not bright ah. Just when Suyu was confused and ready to come forward to comfort her, she stood up and looked at the unknown front with shining eyes. She clenched her fists as if she had made up her mind and turned around and grabbed Suyu’s hands and said firmly, “Sister Suyu, I want to compete fairly with you.” “Huh?” Suyu looked at her in a confused way, wondering if I really had no common topic with the little girl? Otherwise, I can’t understand her at all. That’s the decision. Sister Suyu, please take care of me in the future. Porcelain Rou shook hands with Suyu very solemnly. Oh After Suyu answered, she realized that she didn’t know what she had promised, but when she saw one of the excited ones again, Suyu decided not to ask, for fear that the more she asked, the more confused she was. After that, you will be my sister, and my sister will take care of my sister. “Porcelain soft burst into a little fox-like smile,saw palmetto extract, sweet smile so that Suyu all surprised a confused promise down.” Now that you are my sister, my sister will give you some gifts. Then Suyu took out a ring-shaped baldric carved from suet white jade from somewhere. There was a hollowed-out flower carved in the middle of the ring-shaped jade. She took it in a novel way and looked at it. She always felt that the pattern looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it. The beautiful jade was shining in the sun, just like the person. It’s so beautiful, but I don’t have anything to give you now, so I owe it first. Porcelain soft also not affectation, after looking carefully into the bosom, then found that he did not have anything comparable to this beautiful jade thing, distressed for a while, then played the idea of credit. It doesn’t matter. Didn’t you just say that your sister should take care of your sister? Just think of it as a gift. Suyu smiled gently and said, “Let’s go up the mountain. It’s getting late. Try to find a place to sleep in the open before nightfall.” “Yes.” Porcelain soft naturally hung up a sweet smile, followed up, but the heart more than an idea, the meeting gift is a good thing, turmeric extract powder ,ghana seed extract, Qionghua faction inside and outside how to say there are thousands of people, one person received a meeting gift that. Haha, I am so talented. I am more and more happy to think of this soft smile. What! How is it possible to ask her to give a gift? Haven’t you ever heard of an iron cock? If you let Suyu know that her unintentional words have created a miserable future for the Qionghua School, I wonder if she will feel guilty. Taiyi Wonderland is divided into three paths, namely Ziwei Path, Baihao Path, and Jixuan Path. (Author: Everyone knows! The scenery has its own merits. Porcelain Rou and Suyu enjoy the beautiful scenery on the mountain path while clearing away the evil spirits that harass them. It is really very leisurely. Sister, look at this place. It looks so beautiful. Porcelain Rou stood on a small slope on the side of the mountain road and looked down. The green hills in the distance were surrounded by clouds and mists, which seemed to be real and illusory. When Porcelain Rou saw such a beautiful scene, she hurriedly called Suyu, fearing that such an unreal scene would disappear in the next second. Silly girl, such scenery is beautiful, but may not be able to make people intoxicated, porcelain soft is not never out of the house? Suyu chuckled and looked at Porcelain Rou with some curiosity. Yes, before there can not easily see such a scene, and later, ha ha. Porcelain looked at the distance without focus, smiled softly, and said no more. In fact, Kunlun Mountain is the home of immortals, and the scenery is not bad, but it is a pity that there is no truth and love in the world. “Suyu also jumped and looked into the distance, and in her heart she was surprised that there was a scene surrounded by clouds and mists under the sunset in the afternoon, but she also felt that it was too illusory.” How else is it a fairyland? Porcelain Rou turned her head sideways and smiled niftily at Suyu. That’s what I said. Suyu nodded, covered her mouth and chuckled. After laughing, Suyu looked up at the sky and said, “Porcelain Rou, let’s find a place to rest quickly. It’s getting late.” Porcelain Rou also looked up at the gorgeous red sunset and nodded, jumped down the slope and walked forward with Suyu. The night finally fell, the dark night set off the little fire on the mountain path, the firewood crackled and burned, the flame swung gently with the evening wind, and the flickering fire made their faces red and charming by the fire. Sister, why do you want to cultivate immortals? Porcelain Rou poked the fire and asked Suyu, who was eating dry food, confusedly. Why cultivate immortals? I don’t know, maybe I want to stop seeing things I can’t do, or maybe I just want to stop blaming myself for my incompetence. Suyu slowly put down the dry food, as if in deep thought and as if confused looking at the way of the fire. Yeah, that’s a really bad feeling. No wonder my sister thinks so. Porcelain Rou looked at the light of the fire and smiled with her head and eyes. Porcelain Rou, what about you? Why Suyu smiled when she heard her answer, but she wasn’t hungry anyway and put away the dry food to ask back. I? I don’t want to be a fairy. When Porcelain Rou heard her rhetorical question, she was stunned for a moment and waved her hand again and again. Seeing her puzzled expression, she began to explain with a low sigh: “I really don’t want to be a fairy. I just want to come out and have a look and confirm something. But now,fenugreek saponins, it has been confirmed.” Seeing Suyu looking at her strangely, Porcelain Rou smiled at her mysteriously and said, “I’m actually here to be a butterfly. God has given me a chance. I naturally want to grasp it well. I want to let the wings of this butterfly fan to every corner.” 。 prius-biotech.com

