Odoo 17 Installation in Windows

5 min readFeb 7, 2024


This article is made as a part of the study course of Konfigurasi ERP even semester of 2023/2024, Fakultas of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

In this article, I would like to explain on how to install Odoo 17 (current latest release) on the Windows operating system. While this tutorial would be on Windows 11, the process should be similar to Windows 10.

To preface, we will be using Odoo Community Edition, since it’s open source and free.

Downloading Odoo software
There are multiple download links on Odoo, https://nightly.odoo.com/, https://www.odoo.com/page/download, or https://github.com/odoo/odoo but I do recommend the one on nightly since you only need to download without needing to input your personal data or using a ZIP archive from git.

Odoo Nightly Website

Choose the 17 (Stable) Community Edition, you may choose other version if you need a specific version.

Version 17 Operating System Choose Page

Click on the windows/_ link, it will bring you to the download page.

Version 17 Windows Download Page

Click on the link at the second top, the latest Odoo version, it will download the Odoo software. Now you should have the Oodo 17 application file in the downloads folder or the folder of your specific choosing when downloading.

Installing Odoo on your system

Open the downloaded application by double clicking and you will now be installing Odoo on your system. Should you come across the “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”, click yes.

Language Option Window

Select your desired language for installation.

Click “Next >”

Click on “I Agree” to continue the installation.

Installation Types

There are several components that you can choos to install. The core of the software is the Odoo Server and PostgreSQL Database (if you don’t have any PostgreSQL Database installed yet). For this tutorial, you only need the Odoo Server and PostgreSQL Database. After that, click “Next >”.

PostgreSQL Configuration

You can setup the hostname, port, username and password for your PostgreSQL, but it will be filled up automatically by default. You may choose to change it or not. After that click “Next >”.

Installation Folder

You’re able to choose the installation folder/location of your choosing. Idealy in the same or similar folder of your planned Odoo project to avoid cluttering. Click “Browse…” to choose the folder. After choosing, click “Install”.

Installation in Progress

Installation will commence, now you only need to wait until the installation is finished.

Installation is now complete, click “Next >”.

Leave the “Start Odoo” checklist and click “Finish”.

Using Odoo

Database Creation

You should now be greeted by the page above. Note, you have a Master Password that you need to keep in your notes or other place of your choosing should you need it in the future. After that, fill out the Database Name, Email and Password (for logging in), Phone Number, Language, and your chosen Country. You can also include in the Demo Data checklist so that your Odoo software already has some demo data for you to study. After all of that, click “Create Database”.

Login Page

You will now be greeted by the Login Page. Fill you Email and Password as you have filled it in when creating the database just before this.

Odoo Home Page

Here is your Odoo home page. As you can see, there are many modules that you can activate and use. The use of modules will be explained in future articles.

Enabling Developer Mode

Click on the 9-block button on the top left of the page and click on “Settings”.

Settings Page

On the bottom of the page, you’ll see “Developer Tools” section. Click on “Activate the developer mode” to enable developer mode.

To know that developer mode is activated, you can see a bug icon on the right top side of the page, besides the profile picture. To deactivate, do the same steps as activating the developer mode, but now there should be the “Deactivate the developer mode”

That is all of the tutorial for now, thank you for reading and I hope this article helps you on installing Odoo!

— Auki

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