21 Passion Project #Day4: Taekwondo Sparing

Aulia Nataningsih
1 min readApr 27, 2017

“Before you go to the battlefield, make sure you know the basic.”

I’ve been doing taekwondo since approximately 10 months ago. Now, I am on my yellow belt with the kicking and striking basic. Totally basic. For 10 months, I was not allowed to do sparing (kicking and striking one to one with your friend. On the early of my 3 months, I was not permitted to use full energy when do the basic. It means that I had to focus on basic technique before putting full energy on my kicking striking effort. But today is different, my sabem and nim (the call for taekwondo trainers) give me permission to do sparing! Wow, the excitement is full in my head because this is my very first doing taekwondo sparing in my life.

Well, sparing is not easy. You have to do basic kicking and striking while giving full attention toward what your opp(s) do (then sometimes defend is something you gotta do).

Lesson learned: Mastering the basic before going to battle field is a must. Good understanding about basic is a strong foundation.



Aulia Nataningsih

Psychology, education, and scientific research enthusiast. Currently doing research about technology & education and writing about life.