Foreign Exchange Ch. 06

11 min readDec 16, 2020


Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


It seemed Julia-san was using her horniness that she developed from Sousuke touching her all the time to get it on more with Robert, and the days that followed was killing Sousuke. She kept trying to start things up with Robert, and being a man, he couldn’t resist all of her affections. Sousuke was fuming, and he wanted to figure out a way to get even with her.

One evening, when he couldn’t locate her anywhere, he found Robert and Julia by the pool together, and she had her arms around his body. Their lips were pressed on each others’, and though he thought it was obvious that he was present, watching them, no one paid him any attention. Good, he would continue to stand there and watch until they forced him away. Julia was wearing an impossibly sexy and slutty bikini instead of the one piece she wore during her swimming lessons. It almost showed off her entire body, the yellow piece on the bottom more of a string than an actual piece of fabric. He was beyond angry. First, she had the audacity to fuck her husband, and now she was flaunting the bikini right in front of him?

She was clearly toying with him, and he was not okay with that.

When she moaned at Robert’s mouth against her throat, Sousuke couldn’t take it anymore, and he walked back to the house, forgetting everything he wanted to say to her or do with her that evening. He would have to spend all night trying to figure out what to do next.

The next morning, he was acting incredibly sulky and peevish, and she could clearly tell something was wrong. He rejected her breakfast, and barely paid attention to her, which was a stark contrast to how he usually was. Typically, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her tits. She clearly owed him an apology for letting her own husband touch her. Sousuke couldn’t in his right mind consider how ridiculous that he was angry over that. She needed to make it up to him before he even talked to her again.

Julia-san was a smart woman though, and she immediately knew there was something wrong. Her heart tightened a little at seeing someone she cared about so much look hurt like that, and she kept stealing glances at him, wondering if she should inquire about what was wrong at the dinner table. She didn’t think he would want to explain in front of the boys, though, since he was clearly not as close to Nicholas and Robert as he was to her. When they finally cleared the table, and Sousuke was about to leave, she stopped him. “Sousuke, is something wrong? You barely touched your food. And I made your favorite.”

All he said was: “You know exactly what’s wrong, Julia-san.” Before exiting the room. She stared after him, shocked. She had no idea what she did wrong, she was even pretty nice about him playing with her under the table during the meeting with the school counselor. She should’ve been mad at him for that, but she couldn’t help but let it go.

Sousuke seemed to be more and more angry the next few days, and all he did was ignore her whenever she asked him if he wanted ice cream, or whether or not he wanted to do something fun after school. On the other hand, her relationship with Robert was going great. They were fucking more and more now, and he playfully teased her one morning by hugging and jumping on her during breakfast, which was so unlike him. She was glad they were falling deeper in love, though her chest was still constantly hurting from the way Sousuke was acting towards her.

She finally realized what was wrong when he glared at Robert one night, and she gasped as her eyes widened. That was it… the Japanese exchange student was jealous! As someone who was used to confronting people regularly, she had to get to the bottom of this. She knocked on his door after dinner again, and she heard a soft “come in” before she entered. “Sousuke… you’ve been quite cross with me recently, and I’m not okay with this. In this family, we communicate with each other and talk about what’s wrong.” Her mom voice immediately came out.

He looked up at her from the book he was reading. He was leaning against the bed, and he set it down as he saw her enter. “Julia-san, I told you, you should know exactly what’s wrong.”

“I think I have an idea…” She started.

“Good, then I’m waiting for my apology.”

Her mouth dropped. “In what universe do you think it’s okay to talk to me this way!?”

“When I can tell how horny you are for me and yet you keep going back to Robert. You’re being so cruel, Julia. And I’m hurt.” He was giving her his puppy dog expression again. She was flabbergasted. Robert was her husband! She didn’t need to explain herself to anyone, especially a guy she considered to be her son.

“Sousuke, I’ve told you this many times before. This relationship is extremely inappropriate. I’ve been patient with you this whole time, but enough is enough.”

“Then I don’t want to talk to you.” He said, and picked up his book again. He was being a bratty kid, and she wouldn’t stand for this behaviour.

“You’re grounded until you bring yourself to apologize.” She scolded, and then exited the room, slamming it behind her before he could say another word.

All of that failed when Robert informed her that they would be going out as a family that weekend due to some tickets he had acquired at work to celebrate his promotion. She sighed and rubbed her temple. She couldn’t inform Robert about why Sousuke was being weird, and he was too busy with his life to even notice. She would have to let Sousuke out that night, though his grounding would still be active until he had the decency to apologize.

The only thing she said to him the next day was that they would be going to an outdoor cinema on the weekend for a movie premiere, and that was all. He nodded, looking a bit guilty from the way he acted, but still refused to apologize.

When the day finally came for the premiere, Julia looked absolutely stunning. She and her best friend had picked out a beautiful, sexy dress when she discovered that the reason why Robert wanted to go out was because he was about to be promoted as Head of the Biology Department. When Robert saw her walk down the stairs, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. She looked like a high-prized, elegant escort, which was a complete contrast to how she normally dressed. She was so shy about people eyeing her body up, so she typically tried to hide her prominent features. Namely, her giant tits.

Sousuke was now fuming. She was doing this on purpose, showing off her body to him so that he would have to apologize and make up with her. It was super evil of her, but it was working. He wanted to apologize to her right away so she would let him touch her again. He had no idea Julia-san could be this mean, this calculative.

He followed them passively into the theatre, looking up at the beautifully decorated star-like ceiling before sitting down next to her, which was obviously the best seat possible. Robert sat on the opposite side, and Nicholas sat on his right. The room got dark immediately, and soon the movie started to play. There were other very important people in the room tonight, most of whom were part of the cast and crew of the movie. Sousuke had never experienced something so magnificent, but it was ruined from how angry Julia was with him.

She paid no attention to him at all, like he didn’t even exist. Soon, her beautiful outfit and her anger beside him was too much for him to handle. He put his head on her shoulder. She stiffened immediately. She was annoyed, very annoyed. But she didn’t move at all. This was a good sign, and her silence gave Sousuke some courage. He reached for her arm and put it around his shoulder, and he immediately cuddled up into her, smiling.

He needed to break the ice after so many days, to establish a contact with her. He was so in love with her, and her silence made him feel crestfallen and desperate. He felt that he was stupid now for being so mean to her, and he wanted to apologize, though he couldn’t with the movie still going on. She kept watching the movie, completely ignoring him. It was killing him.

He started to touch her hand, playing with her wedding ring while keeping it on his shoulder, her fingers remained still. She didn’t want to show any complicity, she knew now that he couldn’t be trusted.

He couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned close to her ear, so close that his hot breath was blowing against it. She stiffened again, but listened to him nonetheless. She was fair, afterall. “Julia-san, I understand why you’re so mad at me now. I can’t demand that you don’t love your husband, your body doesn’t belong to me. I’m so sorry, will you forgive me for being so stupid?”

She looked at him in surprise, her eyes meeting his magnetic, puppy-dog eyes, and saw that he really meant everything he said, and really wanted to be forgiven. She studied him for a few seconds, and her stern look broke into an inquisitive smile. She pinched his nose. “You are pardoned silly young man, now shut up so we can watch the movie.”

He smiled, his grin reaching his eyes. “Julia-san, can we kiss and make-up?” She blew him a kiss with her right hand before turning to the screen, focusing on the movie again.

He cuddled closer to her, but her breast pressed against his chest and his direct contact with her exposed thighs was too much for him to handle. His body was taking over again. 15 minutes later he placed his hand on her dress, just near the slit. He used his fingertips to casually move the dress aside so her left leg, the one closest to him, would be completely exposed. Then his finger tips creeped forwards to touch her bare skin. He ran them from her knee to her thigh, caressing it back and forth, back and forth. Just the fingertips, ever so slowly. She hadn’t reacted at all, something he was used to from her, but he knew her body would be reacting to his slow tease.

10 minutes later he turned completely towards her as he whispered something about the movie. This gave him the opportunity to slip his hand to the inner side of her thighs. She began to realize that his hands were not in the most appropriate place, and she glanced down ever so slightly before looking back on the screen as well.

Their usual silent battle had started… and her dress wasn’t helping at all. It was too exposed, and what started out as a cute idea to make Robert realize her appreciation as his wife turned into a weapon Sousuke could use against her. It was like a fencing match, and she would have to do her best to fight against him. She knew Robert was on the other side, and didn’t want him to have any indication of what was going on. She was a grown woman and could battle this little kid on her own. She had only one free hand, though, so all she could do was press her legs closed to go against him.

She was sitting in the dark, surrounded by people — family members, important guests, and people who know her, and she was being touched inappropriately by the exchange student again, someone who had just apologized to her regarding the same type of inappropriate behaviour. It was pitch black except for the blueish light of the megascreen. She felt as if Sousuke’s pale skin glowed on her bronze thigh, as though illuminated by moonlight.

The white of his hand was painfully obvious — at least in her mind — as it sliped unapologetically between the folds of her damned split-leg dress. The outfit she picked out could not have made his job any easier for him.

Eventually, he followed the heat between her legs, which were very welcoming against his touch, and palpated her pussy. Her wetness was already obvious, he could feel the damp cloth of her panties, which were thin and so easy to penetrate. He shifted it to the side and his hand felt her pussy, the shaved mound that was part of his every fantasy. It was so wet… so eager for him. He didn’t know why she even stopped herself from enjoying all of this, she clearly loved the way he worshiped her body. As her wetness grew, he slipped inside and touched her clit. She stiffened, and looked down to stare at him. He only grinned at her as he placed his free index finger against his mouth, telling her to ‘shh’. Her eyes narrowed as she glared, but her eyes rolled back as she felt his finger press into her, into her wet cunt. Her mouth opened into a wide ‘O’, and she had to fight back a moan.

He had never finger fucked anyone before, so he was unintentionally merciless and fast paced, not knowing how to contain himself. He was extremely horny, and had no idea how to contain his excitement.

She had never been attacked like that, and all she could do was take his fingers, which were exploring deep inside her body as it slammed back and forth. His unintentional rubbing against her clit was spurring her on even more, and her right hand gripped onto the chair as she breathed in deeply, trying to control herself. She couldn’t moan, couldn’t make any sounds or Robert would start to be suspicious. That thought alone, of how much of a whore she was for this young man, was too much for her to handle.

She came around his fingers, and let out a little squeak before he let go of her, his hand slipping out. Her nipples were very erect now, and since she couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, it was very obvious. He leaned closer to her as he cuddled up, and stuck a tongue out to give her left nipple one slow lick. She moaned out loud, and then swatted him lightly with her right hand. “Enough.” She gritted out. Knowing she was at her limit, he leaned back towards his chair, though he still held onto the hand around his shoulder as he smiled to himself.

Everything was back to normal again.–37174-at-amazon-spain-3279787?page=7–42de-bfff-4b6a854f8b12

