What Does ‘Glow-Up’ Really Mean?

3 min readApr 1, 2023


We’ve all heard the term ‘glow-up’ before. If you spend enough time on social media, it’s constantly getting shoved in your face. And, after a while, one begins to question, ‘is this even a real thing?’

My honest, non-bullshit truth is that it is.

But what does it really mean?

Perfecting a skill? Achieving body goals? Finding your fashion style?

Online, one would often see a mixture of ‘before & after’ selfies, a flaunting video of someone’s wealth, etc.

After a while, it becomes tiring. Watching these people show their ‘glow-ups’… it only ends up making you feel bad about yourself, and question why it hasn’t happened for you yet. (Unless it has).

Well, I’m here to tell you that ‘glow-up’ can be anything at all, as long is it makes you feel like you’ve had a glow up.


A glow-up can be a range of things: Becoming healthy, improving mental health, getting better at a sport, becoming more social, finding a passion, retaining self-discipline… the list goes on and on.

A glow-up is when it feels like you’ve entered a new phase in your life.

It can even feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes, however cheesy that may sound.

A new tint is over your eyes; you see the world differently, perhaps in a clearer, brighter way. There’s a brand new camera filming your daily moments.

Some could attest that this is simply a fancier way of saying you’ve grown up or matured.

And in a way that’s true, but it feels like it’s much more than that.

Seconds, days, months pass all the time and often life stays the same. Habits are consistent and opinions remain stable. Technically, we’re aging at every moment.

When you enter a new-and-improved phase in your life, this is considered a glow-up.

For myself, it was after New Year’s, 2022. I began working out, ate healthy; I became more social and confident in not only my actions, but in who I was.

Growing up, I was always the quiet one in a friend group. I was intimidated by my extroverted friends and just how easy it was for them to just keep a conversation flowing — I was afraid to speak.

Then sometime around February, I noticed a change. I was more involved in class; in friendly discussions; I enjoyed meeting new people — by the time it was April, I wouldn’t stop talking.

My parents thought it was a miracle, but I know that it was a glow-up.

. . .

So, what can you take away from this?

Everyone’s life is different.

  • Don’t be discouraged from social media posts. It’s so easy to fake something online, plus, you never know someone’s story.

Glow-ups can happen unexpectedly, but often it’s through hard-work.

  • Try not to be intimidated by ‘hard-work’. It could be as simple as taking the extra time to plan out your day, buying new clothes, or picking up a new hobby.

Remember: it’s about the mindset shift.

It won’t happen overnight, it’s a gradual thing. Like trying to get the splits by stretching: it won’t happen within one day, but with consistency.

Being consistent with your healthy habits will transform you. Keeping up with your workouts, drinking more water, taking better care of hygiene; eventually, it will barely be a “task”. It will just be your habits – it will just be you.


Thank you for reading! If you’re interested in these types of articles, be sure to check out my profile :)




Hey! I’m a student who enjoys writing self-help & personal development pieces in their free time.