Harnessing the Power of Uniswap v4 Hooks: An Ocean of Possibilities for Developers

Anshul Rai
5 min readJul 9, 2023

Innovating how we exchange cryptocurrencies, Uniswap has always been at the forefront of decentralized finance (DeFi). With the recent release of its most recent version, Uniswap v4, it is now establishing new standards for the development of decentralized exchanges.

Hooks, Singleton design, and Custom Pools are some of the ground-breaking innovations introduced by Uniswap v4. Together, these new features give programmers the ability to alter and improve pool behaviors, resulting in a more convenient, effective, and secure DeFi experience.

Hooks: Revolutionizing Pool Behaviours

One of the most significant features in Uniswap v4 is ‘Hooks’ — contracts that are triggered at various stages of a pool action’s lifecycle. This new functionality empowers developers to modify and innovate pool behaviors. Hooks can be used to introduce dynamic fees, enable on-chain limit orders, or act as a time-weighted average market maker (TWAMM). Let’s try to understand hooks from Uniswap’s Geomean Oracle contract.

Geomean Oracle:

The GeomeanOracle contract in Uniswap v4 provides a way to turn a Uniswap pool into an oracle. It’s designed in such a way that it can work with a wide variety of configurations, including Uniswap V3 style, given specific settings.

Observations and State Management

One of the key aspects of the GeomeanOracle is its mechanism for keeping track of "observations" and their states. Each pool in the Uniswap ecosystem is associated with a series of observations. An observation, in this context, is a record of the total amounts of the pool's assets at a certain timestamp.

The GeomeanOracle maintains a ObservationState struct for each pool that contains three values:

  • index: This indicates the last written observation for the pool.
  • cardinality: This represents the current size of the observations array for the pool.
  • cardinalityNext: This is a target value that will replace the current cardinality once enough observations have been written.

Let’s consider an example. If we have a Uniswap pool of ETH and DAI, the GeomeanOracle contract would make and store observations about this pool's state at different timestamps. If the index is 5, it means that the last written observation is the 6th one (as indexing starts from 0). If cardinality is 10, we know that there are 10 observations for this pool. Finally, if cardinalityNext is 15, we know that the contract aims to have 15 total observations.

Contract Hooks

One of the key features of the GeomeanOracle contract is the way it implements "hooks". In the context of Ethereum smart contracts, hooks are essentially event handlers that allow the contract to react to different events.

In the draft GeomeanOracle contract, hooks are used to monitor and respond to different events in the Uniswap pool, such as initialization, position modifications, and swaps. For each of these events, there are “before” and “after” hooks that run either before or after the event.

For instance, the beforeInitialize hook is designed to run before a pool is initialized and checks the pool’s fee and tick spacing. If the fee isn’t zero or the tick spacing isn’t equal to the maximum allowable value, the contract would throw an OnlyOneOraclePoolAllowed error.

function beforeInitialize(address, IPoolManager.PoolKey calldata key, uint160)
returns (bytes4)
// This is to limit the fragmentation of pools using this oracle hook. In other words,
// there may only be one pool per pair of tokens that use this hook. The tick spacing is set to the maximum
// because we only allow max range liquidity in this pool.
if (key.fee != 0 || key.tickSpacing != poolManager.MAX_TICK_SPACING()) revert OnlyOneOraclePoolAllowed();
return GeomeanOracle.beforeInitialize.selector;

On the other hand, the afterInitialize hook is meant to run after the pool is initialized. It sets up the initial cardinality for the observations array and adjusts the cardinalityNext accordingly.

    function afterInitialize(address, IPoolManager.PoolKey calldata key, uint160, int24)
returns (bytes4)
PoolId id = key.toId();
(states[id].cardinality, states[id].cardinalityNext) = observations[id].initialize(_blockTimestamp());
return GeomeanOracle.afterInitialize.selector;

Querying the Oracle

The GeomeanOracle contract draft also proposes a mechanism for external contracts to query the oracle for price information using the observe function. This function would take a pool key and an array of timestamps, and return arrays of cumulative tick values and seconds per liquidity, computed over the specified timestamps.

This feature could make it possible for other contracts to use the Uniswap pool as an oracle. They could simply call the observe function with the pool key and timestamps they are interested in, and get the information they need.

    function observe(IPoolManager.PoolKey calldata key, uint32[] calldata secondsAgos)
returns (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, uint160[] memory secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s)
PoolId id = key.toId();

ObservationState memory state = states[id];

(, int24 tick,,,,) = poolManager.getSlot0(id);

uint128 liquidity = poolManager.getLiquidity(id);

return observations[id].observe(_blockTimestamp(), secondsAgos, tick, state.index, liquidity, state.cardinality);

The Potential Impact on the DeFi Ecosystem

The adoption of hooks could mark a significant transformation in how DeFi contracts are designed and interacted with. They provide a more dynamic way to enforce contract rules and respond to changes in contract states. This opens up a plethora of possibilities for developers and users, allowing for more customized and interactive experiences within the DeFi space.

For instance, hooks can provide real-time responses to price or liquidity changes, enforce trading limits based on certain conditions, or interact with external contracts when certain events occur. In essence, they could enable contracts to be more responsive and adaptable to the needs of the users and the overall market.

Moreover, hooks could pave the way for more sophisticated DeFi products and services. The ability to customize contract responses to certain events could allow for the creation of complex financial products that more closely mirror those found in the traditional financial world.


The exploration of hooks in Ethereum smart contracts underscores the potential of blockchain technology and the flexibility of its programmable smart contracts. The prospect of hooks signals an exciting future for Ethereum developers, paving the way for a new era of blockchain applications that are more dynamic, responsive, and adaptable to user needs and market conditions. As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to evolve, it is innovations like these that will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible with decentralized applications.

