Should You Ditch Wheat Entirely? Truth Behind Whole Wheat and Blood Sugar;

Dr Bone
4 min readJul 1, 2024


# Reasons you should NEVER eat wheat

Wheat, a dietary staple for centuries, finds itself under fire in recent years.

This article dives deep into the claim that wheat, even “whole wheat,” disrupts blood sugar, accelerates aging, and contributes to weight gain.

We’ll explore the science behind these arguments and see if a complete wheat ban is truly necessary.

Glycation, AGEs, and the Link to Aging

The article highlights glycation, a natural process where sugar molecules attach to proteins and fats in your body. This creates Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs), compounds linked to accelerated aging and chronic diseases. High blood sugar levels are a major contributor to AGE formation, potentially explaining the prematurely aged appearance observed in some diabetics.

The “Little-Known Fact” About Whole Wheat

The article claims whole wheat contains Amylopectin-A, a unique carbohydrate that spikes blood sugar even higher than table sugar. It emphasizes that wheat-based foods like bread and cereals cause much greater blood sugar spikes compared to other carbohydrates.

Blood Sugar Testing: Wheat vs. Oatmeal

The author presents personal blood sugar test results, showing a significant increase after consuming whole wheat bread compared to oatmeal (with the same amount of carbohydrates). This personal experience highlights the potential blood sugar impact of wheat.

Is Wheat the Villain? A Balanced Look

While the article raises valid concerns about wheat and blood sugar, it’s important to consider a broader perspective.

  • Glycemic Index (GI): GI is a ranking system that measures a food’s impact on blood sugar. While some studies suggest Amylopectin-A in wheat might have a high GI, the overall GI of whole wheat bread is typically moderate.
  • Fiber: Whole wheat contains fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar by slowing down digestion. The oatmeal in the example might have had a higher fiber content, contributing to its lower blood sugar impact.
  • Individual Response: Blood sugar response to food varies between individuals. Factors like gut health, genetics, and activity levels can influence how your body processes carbohydrates.
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Beyond Blood Sugar: Other Considerations

  • Gluten Sensitivity: Some people have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat. These individuals should avoid wheat entirely.
  • Nutrient Content: Whole wheat offers essential nutrients like fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. Eliminating it completely might necessitate dietary adjustments to ensure these needs are met.
  • Portion Control and Variety: Overconsumption of any food, even healthy ones, can contribute to weight gain. Moderation and a balanced diet are key.

Conclusion: Wheat — Friend or Foe?

The article raises critical points about wheat and blood sugar. However, a complete ban on wheat might not be necessary for everyone. Here’s a takeaway:

  • Be mindful of portion sizes and choose whole wheat over refined options when possible.
  • Consider your individual health status. If you have concerns about gluten sensitivity, consult a healthcare professional.
  • Maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
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Moving Forward: Personalized Nutrition

The ideal diet varies based on individual needs and health goals. Consulting a registered dietitian can help you create a personalized plan that considers your health, preferences, and blood sugar response to different foods. By understanding the science behind food choices, you can make informed decisions for a healthier and more balanced you.

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