How to Balance an Excess of Earth Energy in your Auric Field

Auri Alice Grace
6 min readJun 3, 2024


Earth meets Air

Our Earth is full of nourishment. Her colours are bright and vivid. Her cycles are mirrored in our own bodies and our own frequencies. The blessings are endless in how she sustains our physicalities, and as we are returning as a race to live in harmony with the paths she has long carved before us, we are rediscovering an innate sense of belonging, a vitality of life and a heartful connection that remains unrivalled.

But, as all things do, the Earth has her shadows. And when we fall a little too deep into them, it might be difficult to notice. Much of humanity spends its life in the depths of density, with little awareness of the benefits of nurturing not only the physical body, but the energetic body too.

We often neglect the energetic body through lack of belief and disregard for anything ‘woo-woo’, but this is truly just a fear of the unknown. Despite Einstein telling us through academically-accepted scientific theory that “everything is made of energy”, we’ve still managed to push the theory into a rigid, walled box with no expansion into what this means for the Spirit. This itself is a fine example of an Earth imbalance. Too rigid, too stubborn, and a complete unwillingness to consider anything outside of its own box.

Earth Energy in Excess

In order to understand the sweeping effect this has on our collective humanity, we can use ourselves as a microcosmic model to observe how an excess of earth energy can manifest in our lives. We might find ourselves feeling a bit stuck, like change is needed but we can’t figure out how to make it happen. We might lose motivation for almost anything except the things that allow us to escape this very feeling. Our mind is likely to be clouded with all sorts of thoughts, none of them much use anymore since they are now a build-up of stagnant energy that is slowly draining our life-force. Everything feels that little bit harder, we could even be gaining excess weight due to the increase in mass/density that our electromagnetic fields are collecting. We might find ourselves immovable, unwilling to compromise, overpowered by our own ego-thoughts of needing things to be a certain way. Phew, even just writing this has got me needing to step outside and take in some fresh air!

So that’s exactly it, the solution. To bring this excess into balance, we must consider the polarities and look to nurture the opposite energy — air.

Photo by Johannes Mändle on Unsplash

Finding Harmony in Polarity

Of course, earth energy will take us to the depths of things. It nourishes our roots, houses our physical bodies and provides the sustenance we need for human survival. It also sets the sturdy foundations for our energy’s potential to reach the skies. But without air, how will we fly?

There are lots of different steps we can take to connect with air energy and see it manifest in our lives, but it’s perhaps easiest to think of them in three different ways — the nurturing of mind, body and spirit.

Nurturing the Mind — Air needs space to breathe. Clearing and organising our living environments, especially where we sleep, will get things moving. When we sleep we enter the realm of the unconscious and subconscious. The objects and density around us are a mirror of the energy stored in the subconscious. Don’t believe me? Clear the space under and around your bed and see how you feel when you wake up the next morning.

Take care with this process, the physical objects need to be cleaned, organised or sometimes donated/recycled/thrown out, but the energy needs to be cleared too. Dusting/wiping surfaces and sweeping out corners is equally as essential. You can ask Spirit to assist you in the process to make this less tiring. Then, finish with intentional smudging with something like white sage, palo santo, peppermint essential oil spray — anything that makes you feel clear, light and airy.

(Make sure you leave a window open while smudging so the old energy has somewhere to go!)

Nurturing the Body — What better to fight rigid, stuck, stagnant energy than movement! Not the rigid, forceful, burdensome working kind. The fluid, free, joyful creative kind. Ask your body what it needs, find what brings you joy, follow what feels natural to you. Consider your diet, think light. Treasure whole foods that nourish the spirit, bright colours that are a pleasure to look at as well as taste, plenty of fresh, spring water and meal portions that leave you feeling the right amount of full, not stuffed and unable to move. Just lighten everything up. Change the bedsheets, mow the lawn, sort out the paperwork… you get the gist. Even choosing to wear soft, clean, light coloured clothing will help to renew the energy.

Nurturing the Spirit — This one is easy to say, but often the hardest to do. Because really, it involves doing absolutely nothing. Nothing. Not nothing with some music on, or nothing while you think about what you’re going to do when you finish doing nothing… just nothing. Meditation takes many forms and is different for everybody, but in terms of air energy, we are wanting to create emptiness. And where we find that emptiness is within our inner silence. In times of true stillness, we empty our minds and bodies of fog and clutter. If we can truly honour and create this time for ourselves, the energy will do the work on its own! We only need to sit back and allow. But are you willing to find the space for it? The blessings are infinite if you do.

Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash

Balanced Earth Energy

Of course, it’s not only air energy that can balance an earth excess, despite it being its opposite. True harmony is the balance between all four of the 3D elements, and this is how we create the perfect foundations for the fifth element to arise in our consciousness, and that’s where all the fun starts! For now though, working with the polar opposite is a good place to begin.

So, how does balanced earth energy feel?

You’ll likely find yourself in a gentle but fluid routine. There’ll be structured discipline, a commitment or even devotion to being present in the things you do. You’ll recognise healthy boundaries and balance between working life, social life, playtime and Nothing time. You’ll be building structures but still finding a willing flexibility between the walls of each of them.

Your body might be settled into some blend of creativity, meditative awareness and joyful movement practice. The things that are unique to you in that they’re what you want to do, not what you feel you have to do. Your body/spirit will communicate to you when it’s time to move or create and when it’s time to rest, and you’ll feel joy and contentment in all aspects.

Your mind will feel more settled, but still fulfilled with its purpose of organising, creating and manifesting the logical aspects of our lives. There is no need to eliminate the mind entirely, the Buddha-mind beyond the ego-mind is what we are looking to reveal, but this takes time and devotion. For now, you can just give the mind something useful to do and go from there.

Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

Finding Harmony in Yourself

There’s plenty to work with here, and plenty more aspects that can be brought into this journey. You can think of it kind of like a game. Whenever you start to feel excess energy in any of the elements, look to its opposite. Be careful not to swing too far the other way! We want to find ourselves resting right in the middle of the two, and eventually the four.

‘In harmony with the Tao, the sky is clear and spacious, the earth is solid and full, all creatures flourish together, content with the way they are, endlessly repeating themselves, endlessly renewed.’ - Laozi

