7 min readNov 2, 2019

How to Decode Destiny by Understanding Karmic Influence and Effects of Planets in Astrology?

I am Aurobindhan working in IT domain, practising astrology as passion for more than 2 years, Interested in analysing past life karma.

Karmic Influence- The Psychic Transformation

Destiny is predetermined. Our choice is free will. Certain things in our life are destined which cannot be altered or changed. Of course, we cannot decide where to take birth, our physical appearances, health issues and so on. It has been destined in such a way based on our past karmas. To make it simple ‘what you sow, you will reap now’.

Destiny is a platform that you cannot modify but it offers free will to decide on our own choices. Imagine destiny as a railway station where you cannot board into flight or bus. You are destined to take only train mode of travel, otherwise, you need to exit. Understand where free will plays a major role. It is up to you whether you choose AC first class, second class or sleeper.

Each human being is bounded with past life thoughts and actions but fortunately and unfortunately we are unaware of it.

Why we could not remember about past life and it is erased in this birth. Think that you have ended your life by committing suicide or had a terrible accident. When past life memories recover, it is hard to live further with pain and anxiety which was left over. We might have cheated someone with huge money or tortured them. In this birth, he would be our father of whom we are paying off debts. I don’t mean karma is boomerang but it will play the role of righteousness what we have sown.

Everyone thinks planets are far away from us but it is not true as each and every planet lies within us and we activate them consciously or unconsciously. Planets are only messengers of the divine force. Planets do what they have been destined to. Living, nonliving objects, places and temples everything has influence of planets. It is just an invisible force which is acting on us. It may be positive or negative but it depends on our karmic deed . I never meant that if you are destined to get only negative forces from planet you have to bear them as still you have a choice to create positive karmic deeds.

Astrology is to enlighten us when we are lying in darkness.

How to activate planets?

Actually as per science and space technology, planets are far away from us. This is true but when you think astrologically, each and every planet lies within our self. We activate them sometimes consciously and at other times unconsciously.

Planets are the messengers of divine force that lies everywhere. It has to do as what it has destined. Living, nonliving objects, places and temples everything has influence of planets. It is just an invisible force which acts on us. It may be positive or negative and this depends on our karmic deeds of past.

I never meant that if you are destined to get only negative forces from planet you have to bear them as still you have a choice to create positive karmic deeds.

How to activate those planets? Before that, you should know about characteristics of each planet.

It determines your purpose of birth which influences soul.

Symbolizes authority, government, manager, CEO, leadership, father, red garment, mountains and forests. Those who have high influence of sun, they always command, dominate , inspire others, and are very stubborn in nature. They never work like laborers. Also they have wisdom as it shines.

Astrological remedy: To activate influence of sun, create a bond with father, government employees, high authority persons, wear red garments and visit Shiva temples in mountains. Chant gayathri mantra regularly.


Our desires and emotions often change continuously. Moon has much influence over mind. It determines who we are and our characteristics. It symbolizes mind, body, emotion, affection, food liquid, mother, artist, cooking, decoration, rivers, waterfalls and white garments.

Astrological remedy for moon: To activate Moon, you have to help moon influenced person with money or advice. Travelling to nearby places having rivers and oceans will stabilize you.


It determines physical strength of our body and the ability to do mechanical work. Symbolizes weapons, land, mechanics and engineering, brother, aggressiveness, commanders, policemen, army men, courage, accidents, sexual stimulation will have influence of mars.

Astrological remedy: To activate Mars, we have to create a mutual bond with respective person as mentioned above.


Your intelligence, speech and how you act according to the situation. A tactical and shortest way to approach problems. Symbolizes speech, dual nature , postman, writer, orator, children, ambassador, crush, skin, uncle, stationery and green garments.

Astrological remedy: To activate mercury, donate money for education, help orator and writers.


It determines your charity, knowledge and relationship with teacher. Symbolizes temple, NGOs, children, money, bank, finance sector.

Astrological remedy: To activate this planet you need to donate money or help poor people

More about planets


Venus denotes marriage, life and desire toward love and luxury. People with dominant Venus in their astrological chart are inclined toward professions such as jewellery, clothing, make-up artistry, decorative materials, singing, life partner, luxurious hotels, bedrooms, cinemas and entertainment. You activate Venus when you create a positive binding with the above professions.


It determines your career which is associated with past life karma and deeds. It symbolizes laziness, hardworking labourers, oil and petrol, old people, handicapped, poor and saloon. Saturn dominates a person’s struggle in a way to uplift them. Saturn can be activated when an expert astrologist knows what Saturn in your chart actually needs.


Rahu denotes your secret desires and affairs. It symbolizes gambling, travelling, exploring secrets, defective, Internet digital era, fraudulent, ego, smuggling, unethical way, actor, actress, grandpa, cameraman, poisonous snakes, huge money and share market. You activate Rahu when you are into air.


Ketu is your detachment toward life and attachment toward spirituality. It symbolizes beard, hair, higher wisdom, spiritual practices, yoga, meditation, different religions, anaesthesia, saints and grandmother among others. You can activate Ketu when you have attachment toward the above things.

Hope you would have understood about characteristics of each planet. Most of them interested to activate all planets except Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. It is not the way you think. When you are born you are already influenced by a certain planet. I have explained only general characteristics and it will differ according to your horoscope. Even Venus exaltation in horoscope will make you beggar because of the high debt. There are certain planets that should be activated and some that should not be activated. But still you can activate one planet which is Jupiter. It is the powerful planet which does have less malefic effects.

Karma has three divisions

Sanchita Karma

It is accumulated through our multiple birth cycle which we cannot modify, for example, we cannot decide our place of birth. We are destined to bear this type of karma. Whether it is positive or negative, it depends on our action.

Prarabdha Karma

What we have done last year or yesterday, this karma will repay us. It is in the same way as for a train journey, we have multiple choices to choose our mode of first, second or third classes.

Agamiya Karma

“What you sow today, you will reap tomorrow”. This birth has offered us with this gift but we have to move through Sanchita and Prarabdha karmas first.

Still there are two kinds of people that exist when Sanchita and Prarabdha karma are filled with extensive positivity. They are inactive when it is filled with intense negativity karma. They could not move forward. But still the gift of “Agamiya karma” is open for all. They could choose and succeed by overcoming the disturbances of Sanchita and Prarabdha karma but how?

Yes, it could be determined through our personal Horoscope. It will show us what we have done in the past and what we are destined to get in this life and what will bring us fame and success. As per our Indian Vedic Astrology system, 12 zodiac signs influenced by nine planets that are activated through our ascendant, ascendant lord and zodiac sign. Karma means not being negative. It may be accumulated with positivity and negativity. In case it has much negative influence, spiritual practices can be done to reduce its harm.

Each planet transmits karma from our past to present birth. But only a few planets will decide our destiny which means we have to pay off pending debts. It influences our career, relationship, sibling, mind, body, friends, life partner and so on. If Mercury carries your karmic debt, you may be the “Best Surgeon” but will end up your life with nervous disorder. How weird it is? Mercury symbolizes nerves, skin, intelligence, wittiness, tactics, education, children and speech. Surgeon with his knowledge that he gathered all over his life became useless to him when he couldn’t analyse his own body’s disorder. This is how it happens to everyone.

When an individual undergoes spiritual practices, planets may influence but will not harm him. It will influence him to some extent. That individual needs to undergo practice regularly instead of spending one day in a week or an hour.

Karma can be decoded. If we have strong will power, we can change our destiny.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Originally published at on November 2, 2019.