UPTOBER with Aurum — Monthly Recap

3 min readOct 24, 2021

As Aurum moves forward from early development to a full-fledged launch of all services, it is the time of the month to quickly recap last month’s updates. Aurum is set out to set gold standards for reward tokenomics and BSC security while keeping the comfort and needs of the community in mind. All the updates last month were aimed to ensure user-friendliness and ease of use.

Aurum’s New Team

October has been the month of many changes. The biggest change was the change of the Aurum Team in which the former CEO Kelvin Ha stepped down, and Jeff Simpson (best known as DS Morph on Telegram) stepped up instead. Also, the upper management saw a change with COO and CBO being replaced by CH and Luke respectively in full-time roles.

The full AMA describing the changes and the reason behind them can be viewed here.

Aurum Contract Address Update

Aurum in September went through an audit and smart contract upgrade with the help of Solidity Finance. Following the upgrade, Aurum saw several changes in the tokenomics of AUR tokens, such as a reduced token supply and token contract address change.

The new Contract Address for the AUR token effective from October 1st is: 0x1deb45c74e0192d9272adf54e9a7519c48c2bd81

Aurum Wallet Phase 1

Earlier this month, in addition to the new Smart Contract, Aurum also launched Aurum Wallet, which marked an important milestone in Aurum’s roadmap. The secure and sleek wallet has begun hosting Binance Smart Chain tokens with scope for multi-chain capabilities. Moreover, Aurum collaborated with Chainlink to ensure a tamper-proof and accurate price feed.

Also, upon the launch of Aurum Wallet Phase 1, the project announced a giveaway of 100,000 $AUR tokens.

Aurum Wallet Phase 2

Aurum has no plan to stop as it is only gaining momentum. Following the phase 1 launch of Aurum Wallet, the project has already started gearing up to introduce Phase 2 of the wallet. Phase 2 will introduce more features such as live charts, real-time total portfolio value and more.

Aurum Whitepaper 3.0

Aurum went through a major update, and apart from the smart contract upgrade and Aurum Wallet launch, it also unveiled Whitepaper 3.0 with clear and detailed information about the project.


BitMart Exchange

Aurum token $AUR was listed on BitMart Exchange and was made available for trading from 9th October 2021.


$AUR was also listed on ApeSwap, an Automated Market Maker, on 2nd October 2021, which was a huge achievement for the ecosystem.

Other News

  • Aurum’s Pressure Vault, $AUR Reward System and Wallet was featured by the leading crypto listing platform, CoinMarketCap.
  • Aurum hosted a Trivia night on their Telegram channel, in which the winners were given $100 worth $AUR for the first prize, $75 worth $AUR for second and $50 worth $AUR for third.

October has been a happening month, to say the least, but more is yet to come. Stay tuned and follow Aurum on Twitter and Telegram to stay up to date.




The golden standard of reward tokenomics and BSC security.