4 Ways to Create a Life You Love

Why finding and living your life passion is one of the most important endeavors you will ever undertake

Stories by Aurora E


Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form.” — Rumi

The words of Rumi remind us how steeped in impermanence our lives are. How seemingly transient our time is. And how important it is to live the life that we want today, even if only through small, soul-sustaining steps.

Several years ago, I decided to try something new.

Instead of pursuing a career in the corporate world, I resolved to honor my strengths and passion for helping others by creating a business as a freelance writer, because that path felt enriching and rewarding.

“Will you make any money?” a friend asked me. “What if you regret your decision?”

I thought for a moment, before recalling that cynicism and abdication are stiffening to the self, essentially encasing our ability to expand and develop.

Growth is life-earned truth, while doubt can be found almost anywhere.

How can we live a life bolstered by critical thinking that is capable of identifying what is lacking in our lives or the world, that envisions ways to…



Stories by Aurora E

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.