We All are Afraid of… Freedom

Normal fact… Indeed.

Aurora Mihaja
4 min readAug 10, 2023

Throughout our existence, all of us wanted something to make our lives tasteful, useful, and meaningful.

We all feel like something is missing, always, that pushes us to want more, to live more, and to explore more. Therefore, there is another void that requires us to fill somewhere inside and it is unseen so obviously, we can’t touch it.

As far as we know, we all are threatened by something, and each of us is thrilled with our traumas, secrets and so that we sometimes call it a phobia.

Those untouchable hidden elements are used to swallow us alive to the deepest place that we could not imagine. Where our dark sides are haunting us and make us loose like a worm and that limits us from our freedom.

We can meet different fear in our lifetime but four are the most relevant in our reality.

1. Fear of the unknown:

Anything related to what we always hunger for and what sometimes keeps us standing firm is what we want out of life; and everything about freedom that means having to take responsibility for one’s actions, making one’s own decisions, and experiencing new and potentially uncomfortable situations. For some, this can be daunting and scary and froze them from what they dream about. i.e.: Almost all of us like adventure but are afraid of what we cannot see in the deepest of the water, aka, a lake. That’s a very simple example but we are all afraid of what can may happen that we don’t know and that limits us from moving… forward.


2. Fear of failure:

We all want to succeed even if the form of success is not the same for each one of us but we all want that for the sake of life itself. And as human beings, we thrive for success that we think always brings us to our happiness so with freedom comes the possibility of making mistakes and failing. Some people may fear this and prefer to stay in their comfort zone where they feel safe and secure. i.e.: Becoming an Entrepreneur and creating our own company is scary for a lot of people and staying in a secure and stable job makes us feel right. And it’s just because we are afraid that what we attend to do won’t work the way we expect it to.


3. Fear of losing control:

Who is in control? Yes, we all want to be in control of everything happening in our life. A lot of people even created proverbs to show off the obsessiveness of man’s control. Freedom means that others can make decisions and take actions that may not align with one’s own beliefs or values. This can create a sense of losing control, which can be frightening. Unfortunately, we can never be in control of a hundred percent of everything that moves around us. Let’s take a look a little at the time, can you take control of it?

A person who is desperate.

4. Fear of change:

Related to some research, across all 28 countries, 72% want their lives to change significantly rather than return to what they were like before the COVID-19 crisis. Yes, we all know, that the pandemic has changed a lot globally and a lot of us are still affected by its side effects. And talking about freedom, often results in change, whether it be a change in lifestyle, relationships, or even identity. This can be difficult for some people to accept and adapt to and we tend to run away from it because we still want the same lives we had.

Being free can mean a lot. Some of us may say that we die once and live every day, others may say, we live once, however, spending our life being fearful ain’t make us LIVE. It will only let us SURVIVE but not be able to enjoy the little moment with ourselves, cherish time with others, and just entering in an endless life full of overthinking what worst might happen instead of just breathing and being in the moment. Our only responsibilities are only to be in the present, to learn from our mistakes, to only be in control of ourselves, and to let things fall into their place.



Aurora Mihaja

An individual who likes sharing and motivating herself from the smallest things in life. Just follow me for more.