5 Tips To Find Your Way Out of The Black Forest

Aurum Archon
4 min readSep 13, 2023

So you are trying your hand at Dark Tourism, and you thought it would be a good idea to make a trip to Germany and go into the Black Forest. But unfortunately for you getting into the Black Forest is the easy part. Getting out of it on the other hand might not be as easy as you might think.

Here are 5 tips that can help you find your way out of the Black Forest.

1) Take basic survival gear with you. Items like flashlights, glow sticks, lighters or matches, survival rope, and a knife can come in handy depending on what you may encounter. Bring some snacks with you too. Things that have a lot of calories and don’t spoil fast. Some energy bars can do the trick. But some hard-boiled eggs and some canned food would work best in case your trip takes way longer than you anticipated.

2) If an old German guy is shouting at you to leave. Listen to them. They are not trying to be a buzzkill, they are trying to warn you there is a danger of some kind. A pack of wolves, a bear or something far more terrifying may be passing by the area. It’s best not to tempt fate. Just leave. This may not be a good time to enter the forest. Pack up and try again at a…



Aurum Archon

I am but a humble storyteller and social commentator. I am here to share my opinion, tell creepy stories, weird kooky tales and hilarious Jokes.