This Woman (Poem)

2 min readJun 15, 2023

This woman,
She is more than her flesh and bones,
She is a Queen, no need for a throne.
She is more than her hips and soft skin,
She is ambitious and determined to win.

This woman,
She is not property, and nor is she an asset
She is not a punching bag or a place to pour acid.
She is not your right to possess or control,
She is not an object that is to be bought or sold.

This woman,
She is not just the woman that will be my wife,
She is the lady who I don’t know as she walks by.
She is not just my mother who raised me up,
She is a woman who understands & respect love.

This woman,
She is not just my sister whose love is so pure
She is the woman who dreams of finding cures,
Cures for a society that misconstrues affection
And treats love as a possession — a misconception.

This woman,
She is not just my friend who lifts me up when I am down
She is every woman that walks this world without a crown.
She is not just my cousins; she is not just my lovely nieces
She is every woman trying to fix a society of broken pieces.

-Aushvin Selvasandren

