The True Meaning of Freeware

Abigail Simon
3 min readApr 29, 2020


The True Meaning of Freeware

By far most of us will have, eventually, had freeware games or applications introduced on our frameworks. In the event that you’ve played an online Java or Flash based game, you’ve utilized freeware. In an undeniable manner the Internet itself is freeware, a gigantic assortments of contents, data, devices and assets that are, generally, thoroughly free. In any case, would could it be that spurs such a significant number of individuals to put such a great amount of work into a venture, and afterward discharge it absolutely free of charge? There are a couple of confusions about freeware that I might want to clear up.

1.) “Freeware programs are stacked with spy product and Trojan ponies” — false. While the facts demonstrate that a few projects contain these kinds of malevolent software, they are a vanishingly little level of the entirety. The sort of individuals who discharge programs like this are indistinguishable from spam mailers — criminal and underneath scorn. On the off chance that you are stressed over this, at that point I recommend you just download software from enormous, notable freeware locales. These quite often check to guarantee their projects are free of any vindictive code.

2.) “Freeware just works for X measure of days, or is disabled here and there”. Once more, false. Projects that work along these lines are delegated Shareware, and are structured so that on the off chance that you like the projects work you can pay the creator for a full form. Freeware is never injured in any capacity, and accompanies no charge at all — in spite of the fact that gifts are constantly valued!

3.) “The main explanation this is freeware is on the grounds that nobody in their correct psyche would pay cash for it”. This, tragically, is regularly an admirable statement. There are some really horrifying projects out there. Also, regardless of whether the program is a decent, supportive little device, it doesn’t mean you would be set up to burn through £10 on it in a shop. Anyway there are some total pearls out there, similar to 7-speed for instance. Everything I can say is, once more, search for the enormous catalogs where the entries are positioned. Search particularly for the locales where clients can leave their own criticism on an item, for instance GetIntoPC is an amazing site for freeware software.

So what is the explanation individuals make programs for free? The focuses above could clarify it, somewhat. However, that isn’t what freeware is extremely about. Freeware is about software engineers needing to share what they’ve made with the world everywhere, be it a valuable device, a kick-ass game or even a basic content. Individuals who compose freeware like to share what they’ve made, and perhaps get some credit from the more extensive network for making something valuable. So next time you locate a helpful bit of free software why not glance through the about box to discover who made it. On the off chance that they have a site, at that point go visit, possibly leave a note in the visitor book to urge them to keep doing awesome, increasingly great software. Furthermore, you never know, the site may even contain that ideal bit of software you’ve been searching for.



Abigail Simon

Its Abigail, content writer and contributor on many well known blogs including ezine articles.