The Dangers of Tree Felling

Michael Foley
3 min readJul 13, 2017


Image source: Paramount Arbor

Lumberjacks, arborists and other tree professionals cut down an untold amount of trees and stumps every year. The extremely high risk associated with tree felling requires them to undertake precautions and measures to protect themselves. Despite the safety precautions, many people still get injured in the line of duty. Tree felling is extremely dangerous, that is why most people rely on professionals to get the job done. Of course, not all tree felling is performed by professionals. Hobbyists cut trees too, along with many property owners, but most of them are backed by decades of experience.

Facts and figures

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, logging and tree felling is the most dangerous industry to work for, with over 200 people dying every year from tree felling-related accidents. In 2012, 60 deaths associated with tree maintenance were reported, and another 120 fatalities recor in the forestry and logging industry. The majority of these fatalities were caused by contact with logging equipment like axes and chainsaws, transportation accidents, falling from and being crushed by trees.

200 might seem like a small number, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. It only includes people who died from their injuries. Thousands of tree felling professionals and support staff get injured from tree care and removal every year. While undertaking safety measures and precautions will not completely eliminate the risks associated with the industry, many of the injuries that occur every year are entirely preventable.

The dangers of tree felling

The most basic danger faced by logging professionals comes from the tools and equipment they use. Machinery like wood chippers, chainsaws, log splitters and other hand and power tools are incredibly dangerous, especially if handled by someone untrained or unprepared. Reckless use is a particularly serious problem as not all who die from tree felling-related injuries are professional tree fellers. Many of the tools that are used by logging professionals are freely available on the market. There are a lot of chainsaws for sale online, and with a few clicks on the computer, someone can become an owner of a chainsaw.

A momentary distraction and a chainsaw or wood chipper can cause severe injuries to the person in the blink of an eye. Once injured, the person is certain to face financial ruin due to the cost of hospitalisation and the long period in which they are out of service. Even experienced professionals, people who have been using the equipment for years, can still get injured.

Another major source of danger for tree felling professionals is the trees they work with. A lot can quickly go wrong in the process of cutting a tree down. While the government has mandated the use of safety equipment, many people and companies still cut trees without the requisite tools and equipment. These people are at a greater risk of falling from the tree and injuring themselves. Even those with proper equipment are susceptible to falls, albeit at a reduced risk. Electrical lines can also hurt people out in the field. A tree can fall the wrong way and hit an electrical pole or line, and the live wires can electrocute the people nearby.

There are also hazards that reside within or on the tree itself. Many species of poisonous and toxic plants and insects make trees their home. Workers who are not wearing the proper protective gear, upon contact with the creature, can find themselves rushed to the emergency room. Some trees even emit poisonous fluids.

Dead and dying trees, and trees with rotting wood, pose a major risk to arborists and lumberjacks. A tree that is dying is more weak and unstable, and workers have a more difficult time predicting and controlling how it comes down. The trunks of dying and deceased trees are often hollowed out, and their limbs more unstable and prone to falling without warning.

Finally, a lot can go wrong while the tree is falling down. No one can be completely sure that a tree falls down according to plan, and they have to prepare for the deviations that may occur. Sometimes, those deviations can be disastrous, like a tree falling on a home, on power lines, or on people. They might do everything by the book, prepared accordingly, and something still can go wrong.

