Can You Promote Wealthy Affiliate Without Being a Premium Member

Jeff Brown
16 min readMar 17, 2024

For People Looking to Supplement Their Income Online Without an Investment

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn commissions by promoting other people’s products or services. Here’s a quick breakdown

  • Companies want to reach more customers, so they offer commissions to affiliates who can send them buyers.
  • Affiliates like you, find products they like and recommend them to their audience through websites, social media, etc. They use special tracking links so the company knows who sent the customer.
  • Customers discover interesting products through affiliate promotions and make purchases.

The potential income online depends on various factors, but affiliate marketing can be a great way to generate income because

  • You can promote products you believe in.
  • There are many niches and products to choose from.
  • Your income can grow as your audience does.

It’s not a guaranteed get-rich-quick scheme, but it offers flexibility and the potential to build a sustainable online income stream.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform designed to help people like you learn affiliate marketing and build an online business around it.

They offer a comprehensive training program, website hosting tools, and a supportive community to guide you through the process.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience, Wealthy Affiliate aims to equip you with the knowledge and resources needed to succeed in affiliate marketing.

I am the owner and author of the website “Affiliate Marketing Clubhouse”. Yes, I am a satisfied member of the Wealthy Affiliate community. I truly believe in this program because it has worked for me.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program

The good news is that you don’t necessarily need a premium membership in Wealthy Affiliate to promote it!

You can get started with a free Starter membership and still recommend it to others and even supplement your income.

However, there are some limitations to keep in mind when promoting as a free member. We’ll explore both sides of the coin in the next sections.

Free Membership Benefits

Here are the key features available to free Starter members of Wealthy Affiliate that can help you get started with affiliate marketing

  • Limited Training Access includes the initial lessons of WA’s core training courses, like “Affiliate Bootcamp.” While it won’t be the full curriculum, it provides a foundation in affiliate marketing concepts and website building.
  • Free Starter Website offers a free website with a subdomain. This allows you to experiment with website creation and content publishing, which is crucial for affiliate marketing.
  • Limited Live Chat Support for starter members. You have access to live chat support for a limited time. This is helpful for initial questions answered and navigating the platform.
  • Community Access (Limited) interaction is restricted compared to premium members, but you can still participate in the community to some extent. This could involve reading forum posts and potentially interacting with other members.

It’s important to remember that these features are designed to give you a taste of what Wealthy Affiliate offers and help you decide if affiliate marketing is the right path for you.

Your Free Website

  • WA provides hosting for a basic website with a subdomain. This means your website address will look something like “[” instead of a custom domain name like “[]”.


  • It allows you to experiment with website creation and content management without any initial investment.
  • This platform takes care of the technical aspects of hosting, so you can focus on building your website.
  • It serves as a platform to practice the website-building skills you learn in the free training materials.


  • The subdomain clearly shows your website is hosted by WA, which might not be ideal for a professional-looking online presence.
  • Free websites typically have limited customization options compared to paid plans. You might have fewer design themes or plugins available.
  • As your website grows and attracts more traffic, a free subdomain plan might not have the resources to handle it effectively.

Overall, the free website is a valuable tool for getting started with affiliate marketing. It allows you to learn the ropes of website creation and content publishing before committing to a custom domain and paid hosting plan.

Limited Live Chat

  • Starter members have access to live chat support for a limited time.
  • This initial live chat access is designed to help new members get started with the platform and answer basic questions.

It can be helpful for:

  • Clarifying basic functionalities of the platform.
  • Troubleshooting any technical difficulties encountered during initial setup.
  • Getting quick answers to simple questions about the free training materials.


  • As mentioned earlier, the live chat access is temporary. Once the initial period ends, free members won’t be able to access live chat support anymore.
  • Live chat is intended for resolving straightforward issues related to platform usage.
  • For in-depth affiliate marketing questions or complex website-building challenges. You might need to rely on other resources like the forums (which might have limited interaction for free members) or consider upgrading to a premium membership.

Support as a Free Member

  • Even with limited live chat access, Starter members can still access the community forums. While interaction might be restricted compared to premium members, you can still browse existing forum threads and potentially find answers to your questions.
  • A library of documentation and tutorials that can be a valuable resource for learning about the platform and affiliate marketing concepts.
  • There’s a wealth of free information available online about affiliate marketing. Consider searching for tutorials, blog posts, and videos from reputable sources to supplement your learning.

Although the live chat access is limited for free members, Wealthy Affiliate offers other resources to help you get started on your affiliate marketing journey.

Wealthy Affiliate Resources

Here’s how the free resources offered by Wealthy Affiliate can help you get started with understanding affiliate marketing basics and building a website

Affiliate Marketing Basics

  • While the free membership doesn’t grant access to the entire training program, the initial lessons of “Affiliate Bootcamp” provide a foundational understanding of key affiliate marketing concepts.

You’ll learn about

  • The core principles of affiliate marketing include how commissions work, different types of affiliate programs, and finding profitable niches.
  • Website creation and content marketing you’ll get introduced to basic website-building principles and how to create valuable content that attracts potential customers.
  • Affiliate marketing strategies touch upon basic strategies for promoting affiliate products and driving traffic to your website.
  • Even with limited access, You will find articles, tutorials, and forum discussions that delve deeper into specific affiliate marketing topics beyond the initial training modules.

Look for content related to

  • Choosing a profitable niche is crucial for your website’s success. The forums often have discussions or resources to help you identify a niche you’re passionate about and with good earning potential.
  • While the free membership doesn’t include access to the keyword research tool (Jaaxy). You need to upgrade your membership for full usage of this amazing research tool.
  • You often find forum threads or documentation focused on free or low-cost strategies for promoting affiliate products, like social media marketing or content marketing.

Building a Website

  • The free website with a subdomain allows you to experiment with website building and content management.

Here’s how it helps

  • You can practice the website-building skills you learn in the initial training modules. This could involve setting up basic pages, experimenting with layouts, and understanding how websites function.
  • The free website allows you to publish content (articles, blog posts) relevant to your chosen niche. This is essential for attracting an audience and promoting affiliate products. By creating content on your free website, you can learn the basics of content management systems like WordPress, which is widely used for building websites.
  • The documentation offers tutorials or guides on using the website builder and its functionalities.

You can learn how to

  • Structure your website involves creating essential pages like an “About Us” or a “Contact Us” page.
  • Even with limited access, there are basic Search Engine Optimization tips available to help your website rank better in search results and attract organic traffic.
  • The documentation can guide you through the process of creating and publishing blog posts or articles on your free website.

While the free resources have limitations, they provide a valuable starting point for understanding affiliate marketing basics and building a website. You can gain foundational knowledge, experiment with website creation, and test the waters of affiliate marketing before committing to a premium membership. Remember, the free resources can equip you with the initial skills, but continued learning and exploration might be necessary for long-term success.

Promoting Wealthy Affiliate as a Free Member

Here are some organic strategies you can leverage with a Wealthy Affiliate free membership to promote affiliate products and build a following, even without access to all the platform’s features

Content Marketing

  • With limited training access, choose a niche you can genuinely connect with. This makes content creation easier and attracts a more targeted audience.
  • Utilize the free website’s content management system to create valuable blog posts related to your niche and the products you want to promote.
  • While the Jaaxy tool is limited, explore free keyword research tools or conduct basic searches to identify relevant keywords for your content. Use these keywords naturally throughout your posts to improve search engine visibility.
  • Invest time in creating informative, engaging, and well-written content that solves problems or fulfills your audience’s needs. This builds trust and encourages readers to return for future content.

Organic Traffic Generation

  • Promote your blog posts and website on free social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Share snippets of your content. Use eye-catching images and relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience within your niche.
  • Even with limited interaction on forums, participate in relevant online communities and forums related to your niche. Share your expertise, answer questions, and subtly link back to your website’s valuable content. This establishes you as a thought leader and drives organic traffic.
  • Reach out to established blogs within your niche and offer to write guest posts. This exposes your content to a new audience and potentially earns you backlinks, which can improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Transparency is Important

  • Clearly state in your content that you’re using affiliate links. Building trust with your audience is crucial, so be transparent about your intentions.

What You Must Know

  • Don’t expect overnight success. Consistent content creation, social media engagement, and community participation are key to organic reach.
  • See what strategies resonate with your audience and adjust your approach accordingly.
  • Free analytics tools can help you track website traffic and identify which content performs best.
  • While promoting Wealthy Affiliate directly might have limitations with a free membership, you can still mention it as a learning platform you used to get started in affiliate marketing.

By focusing on organic strategies and creating valuable content, you can build a following and promote affiliate products effectively, even with a free membership.

Remember, the free resources provide a stepping stone — continued learning and exploration through external resources like blogs, tutorials, and online communities can further enhance your skills for long-term success.

Your Niche Within Online Income Possibilities

The online income generation space is vast. To effectively build an audience, choose a specific niche within it that aligns with your interests and potential affiliate products.

Here are some examples

  • Target individuals interested in becoming virtual assistants, writers, or graphic designers.
  • Cater to aspiring bloggers or YouTubers seeking content creation strategies and monetization techniques.
  • Attract individuals interested in starting online stores, dropshipping, or selling digital products.
  • Target those wanting to learn social media management or build an audience online.
  • Attract individuals interested in stock markets, cryptocurrency, or other investment avenues.

Write Content that People Want to Read

Once you have your niche, create valuable content that addresses your audience’s specific needs and interests.

Here are some strategies

  • Showcase real-life examples of individuals who have achieved success in your niche. This inspires your audience and demonstrates the potential of online income generation.
  • Identify the common challenges people face when trying to generate income online within your niche. Create content that offers solutions and practical advice to overcome those hurdles.
  • Offer step-by-step guides or tutorials that equip your audience with practical strategies and skills they can implement immediately.
  • Provide valuable free resources, like downloadable checklists or templates, to establish yourself as a helpful resource and build trust.

Content & Audience Building

Creating great content is only half the battle. You need to reach your target audience.

Here are some channels to consider

  • Publish your content and optimize it for search engines to attract organic traffic.
  • Actively engage on platforms like Facebook Groups, Twitter communities, or relevant subreddits related to your niche. Share your content, participate in discussions, and build connections with potential readers.
  • Reach new audiences by contributing guest posts to established blogs within your niche.
  • Build an email list and send out regular newsletters with valuable content updates, exclusive tips, or special offers with affiliate links embedded strategically.

Community Building & Engagement

Foster a sense of community around your content

  • Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments on your blog and social media posts. This shows you care about their questions and fosters a two-way dialogue.
  • Regularly host live Q&A sessions or webinars on relevant topics within your niche. This allows you to address specific audience concerns and subtly introduce affiliate products that can help.
  • Offer free or paid online courses or challenges related to online income generation within your niche. This provides additional value to your audience and positions you as an expert.

Consistency & Patience

Building a loyal audience takes time and consistent effort. Regularly create valuable content, engage with your community, and be patient. As you establish your expertise and build trust, your audience will be more receptive to your recommendations and affiliate promotions.

By following these strategies, you can build a thriving online community of individuals interested in generating income online within your chosen niche. This engaged audience provides a fertile ground for promoting affiliate products and services related to online income generation.

Free Member Commission Vs Premium Members

  • As a free member, you earn a commission of 25% on any sales you generate through your affiliate links.
  • Upgrading to a premium membership bumps your commission rate to 50%. This means you earn double the commission on each sale compared to the free membership.
  • 25% commission is nothing to pass up, you will find it not so easy to find affiliate programs paying this high of a commission.

Impact on Your Earnings

For example, let’s say you promote a product that costs $100 and offers a 10% affiliate commission.

  • With a 25% commission rate, you would earn $2.50 per sale ($100 product cost x 10% commission rate x 25% commission share).
  • Upgrading to premium and receiving a 50% commission share would double your earnings to $5.00 per sale ($100 product cost x 10% commission rate x 50% commission share).

Things to Consider

  • While a higher commission rate can significantly increase your earnings potential, you need to weigh it against the cost of a premium membership.
  • Regardless of the commission rate, initially focus on building a loyal audience interested in your niche and the products you promote.
  • Keep in mind that free members have limited access to tools and resources that can help with promotion, like keyword research (Jaaxy). This might affect your ability to drive traffic and generate sales compared to premium members.

Is a Higher Commission Rate Worth It?

Whether upgrading to premium for a higher commission rate is worth it depends on your individual goals and circumstances.

Here are some factors to consider

  • If you’re just starting and haven’t built a significant audience yet, the lower commission rate might not be a major deterrent. Focus on audience building and content creation first.
  • Consider the commission rate offered by the specific products you’re promoting. Even with a lower commission share, high-value products can still generate decent earnings.
  • Premium memberships often offer additional benefits like access to advanced training materials, website customization options, and priority customer support. These features can significantly enhance your ability to promote affiliate products and potentially justify the upgrade cost.

The lower commission rate for free members shouldn’t necessarily discourage you from starting with Wealthy Affiliate. Use the free resources to learn the ropes, build an audience, and see if affiliate marketing is a good fit for you.

As you progress and start generating traffic, you can then evaluate the cost-benefit of upgrading for a higher commission rate and additional features offered by premium memberships.

Considerations Before Promoting Wealthy Affiliate

Here’s a breakdown of the benefits you get with the premium membership in Wealthy Affiliate compared to the free Starter membership

Enhanced Learning & Growth

  • Premium membership unlocks WA’s complete training program, including advanced courses and resources that go beyond the initial lessons offered to free members. This equips you with a comprehensive understanding of affiliate marketing strategies, website building, and traffic generation.
  • Participate in live weekly webinars hosted by experienced affiliate marketers. Gain valuable insights, ask questions in real-time, and learn from industry experts.
  • Premium members receive access to personalized coaching calls with experienced affiliates. This allows you to get advice, troubleshoot challenges, and accelerate your learning curve.

Increased Earning Potential

  • As mentioned earlier, premium members earn double the commission rate (50%) compared to free members (25%). This can significantly boost your earnings potential, especially as you attract more traffic and generate sales.
  • Premium access might include training modules focused on promoting high-commission affiliate programs. This allows you to target products that offer greater potential rewards per sale.
  • This bonus program, exclusive to premium members, provides additional resources and strategies specifically designed to help you promote Wealthy Affiliate itself. This can be an additional income stream if you decide to promote the platform you’re using.

Advanced Website Building & Promotion

  • Free members have limited website design options. Upgrading unlocks a wider range of themes, plugins, and customization tools to create a professional-looking website that reflects your brand and niche.
  • Jaaxy is a keyword research tool available only to premium members. It helps you identify relevant keywords with search volume and competition data, allowing you to optimize your website content for better search engine ranking and organic traffic.
  • Connect with other members and affiliate programs directly through the platform’s marketplace. This can help you discover new products to promote and potentially find lucrative affiliate partnerships.
  • Premium members receive priority access to the customer support team. This ensures you get prompt assistance with any technical issues or questions you encounter while building your online business.

Community & Networking

  • Premium members gain access to a private online community filled with other successful affiliate marketers. This allows you to network, share experiences, collaborate on projects, and learn from each other’s successes.
  • Connect with other members through live chat and exclusive member-only events. This fosters a sense of community and provides valuable opportunities to learn and grow alongside like-minded individuals.

While the free Starter membership provides a taste of what WA offers, a premium membership unlocks a comprehensive toolkit for building a successful affiliate marketing business.

With in-depth training, advanced website features, higher earning potential, and a supportive community, premium membership empowers you to take your affiliate marketing journey to the next level.

However, the decision ultimately depends on your goals and budget. If you’re serious about affiliate marketing and see it as a long-term income source, the benefits of a premium membership might outweigh the cost.

Free Starter Membership to Get Started

The free Starter membership in Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent starting point to test the waters of affiliate marketing and the platform itself before committing financially to a premium membership.

Here’s why

Low-Risk Exploration

  • You get introductory lessons to WA’s core training program, providing a basic understanding of affiliate marketing principles, website building, and content creation. This allows you to see if the core concepts of affiliate marketing resonate with you before investing any money.
  • Get a free website with a subdomain. While it has limitations in customization, it’s a valuable tool to experiment with website creation, content management, and practicing the skills you learn in the initial training modules. This hands-on experience helps you determine if website building is an enjoyable aspect of affiliate marketing.
  • You get access to forums and live chat support for a limited time. Although interaction might be restricted compared to premium members, you can still browse existing forum threads and potentially find answers to basic questions. This gives you a taste of the supportive community WA fosters, without a financial commitment.

Testing Your Interest

  • Building a successful affiliate marketing business takes time and effort. The free membership allows you to test the waters and see if you’re willing to put in the work required to see results. This way, you can gauge your interest and commitment before upgrading.
  • The initial training modules and website-building experience can expose you to the learning curve involved in affiliate marketing. You can assess if you enjoy the learning process and feel comfortable acquiring new skills related to website optimization, content creation, and online marketing strategies.
  • The free membership lets you explore the interface and learning style. See if the platform’s approach to teaching affiliate marketing aligns with your learning preferences. This helps you determine if a premium membership, which leverages WA’s full training resources, would be a valuable investment for you.

Making an Informed Decision

By starting with the free membership, you gain valuable insights before committing to a premium plan. You can:

  • Evaluate Your Interest to see if affiliate marketing aligns with your goals and aspirations.
  • Assess Your Skills to determine your comfort level with website building and content creation.
  • Test the Platform to experience the teaching style and community environment.

Once you’ve explored these aspects, you’ll be in a better position to decide if a premium membership, with its comprehensive training, advanced tools, and higher earning potential, is the right next step for your affiliate marketing journey.

The free membership serves as a valuable stepping stone, allowing you to test, learn, and make an informed decision before investing financially.

Affiliate Marketing Resources

Free & Comprehensive Online Resources:

  • Affiliate Marketing subreddit is a vibrant community where aspiring and experienced affiliates share tips, ask questions, and discuss industry trends.
  • Affiliate Marketing blogs like “The Affiliate Guy,” “Smart Affiliate Marketing,” and “IAM Affiliate” offer free tutorials, in-depth guides, and case studies related to affiliate marketing strategies.
  • YouTube Channels like “Affiliate Marketing with Matt Diggity,” “The Authority Hacker,” and “John Crestani” provide free video tutorials and walkthroughs on various aspects of affiliate marketing.

Free & Limited Feature Platforms

  • ClickBank is a popular affiliate network offering access to a vast library of digital products you can promote. While it has a free membership tier, some features and support options might be limited compared to paid plans.
  • Similar to ClickBank, CJ Affiliate is a large affiliate network with a free tier. It allows you to connect with a wide range of merchants and promote their products. However, some features like advanced reporting tools might require a paid upgrade.

Paid Platforms with More Features

  • This program allows you to earn commissions by promoting Shopify’s e-commerce platform. It offers comprehensive training materials, marketing tools, and dedicated support for affiliates. (Costs associated with running a Shopify store would be separate)
  • If your niche aligns with online education, the Teachable affiliate program is a good option. You can promote their platform for creating and selling online courses, earning commissions on each successful signup.

By exploring these free and paid resources alongside the Wealthy Affiliate free membership, you can equip yourself with a well-rounded understanding of affiliate marketing and increase your chances of success in generating income online.

Final Thoughts

The digital landscape offers a multitude of tools and platforms for learning affiliate marketing. While Wealthy Affiliate provides a structured starting point, venturing beyond it broadens your knowledge base and exposes you to diverse perspectives.

Ultimately, the choice of platform and resources rests with you. So, explore the options, experiment, and discover what ignites your passion for building a successful online business.

Remember, the journey of affiliate marketing is as much about exploration and learning as it is about generating income. So, embark on this adventure with an open mind and a willingness to learn!

Did you enjoy reading “Can You Promote Wealthy Affiliate Without Being a Premium Member”? If you are nodding your head, Yes. You can have easy access to more articles like this by visiting my website “Affiliate Marketing Clubhouse.”

I hope you found this article helpful,




Jeff Brown

I have been writing online since 2016 in many niches. My websites focus on Affiliate Marketing, Single Dads, and Life at 65 Plus.