Burner Wallet @ Ethereal was RAD

A collaborative win for Consensys

Austin Thomas Griffith
3 min readMay 24, 2019

TL;DR: Instant onboarding, 663 meals purchased, 369 prediction market trades, and the lesson learned: vendors will go through a lot more work with the Burner wallet if the amount of tokens they collect directly reflects how much money they make. 😅

If you attended Ethereal this year you were probably greeted by a bowtied jabronie (me) handing out ether.cards:

This card, once scanned, presented you with a RadWallet that contained tokens for food:

Once you had your wallet with RAD tokens, you could purchase meals at the food trucks:

Here is a chart showing meal purchase traffic at the three food trucks:

Much of the design of the wallet was done within Consensys including a full makeover from the Rimble team.

Now that the Burner is more of a platform for apps and games, we included 1000 xP+ tokens allowing visitors to participate in 10 different Helena prediction markets:

The results of the prediction markets were quite accurate. We missed a few wild card markets like “Will Pomp say ‘long bitcoin’ more than 3 times on stage during his speech?”, but overall the wisdom of the crowd was pretty accurate:


If you are a holder of one of the addresses listed above, please send a picture of your ethercard or a screenshot of your browser rad wallet to mark.ziade@helena.network in order to claim your reward.

We also had the Alethio team running live analytics at the event. You could see stats about meals purchased and how the prediction markets were shaping up:

Overall it was a wonderful event. Huge thanks to everyone who participated and helped to make it a success. One big lesson learned was incentivizing the food trucks. If they are already paid, they don’t really have any reason to accept tokens for food. At ETHDenver the trucks were training the participants, but at Ethereal they were paid upfront and we could tell by the 663 meals purchased that not all of them were accounted for . 🍕 😅

Thanks again and I’ll see you at the next big event!!!

