How to Overcome Enlarged Prostate Problem

Dwayne Austin
5 min readOct 23, 2018


The prostate is a gland belonging to the reproductive male system, being responsible for the production of the prostatic fluid. In turn, this adds volume to semen. The volume of the prostate increases as a result of the aging process, leading to the appearance of a condition known as prostatomegaly. The enlarged prostate can lead to a number of discomforting symptoms, including frequent urination, urgency or pain with urination. The good news is that there are ways to overcome an enlarged prostate and return to a normal state of health.

#1 Physical exercise

Physical exercise is not only beneficial for those who already suffer from a prostate enlargement but also for those who are interested in preventing the appearance of such problems. One of the main benefits that physical exercise has to offer is an increased blood flow to the pelvic region, which, in turn, has positive effects on the prostate. Second, physical exercise is great for relieving stress, helping one reduce the tension experienced at the level of the prostate. When one engages in physical activity on a regular basis, he will also experience a reduction in abdominal weight; this will reduce the pressure felt at the level of the pelvic floor.

The connection between physical exercise and prostate health has been explored in numerous studies, including one that was published in European Urology. The authors of the study concluded that regular physical activity can reduce the risk for both prostate enlargement and testicular cancer.

#2 Prostate diet

Numerous medical professionals have drawn attention to the fact that the daily diet plays a significant role with regard to the health of the prostate. If you want to reduce the size of the prostate, it is recommended to follow a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also advisable to up your protein intake, avoiding foods that have additives and chemical preservatives. Among the fruits and vegetables that can promote the health of the prostate, there are: pomegranates, tomatoes, berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, citrus, collard greens, mushrooms, radishes and turnip greens. Other foods to be consumed include nuts and seeds, beans, legumes and fatty fish.

According to a scientific article written on the subject of nutrition and prostate health, one of the best ways to prevent prostate problems is to change your diet. The author of the article recommends the consumption of more fruits and vegetables, while cutting back on dairy products and meat. In the same article, we also find a number of natural remedies and solutions against prostate enlargement, such as saw palmetto, cold-pressed flaxseed oil, vitamin E and B6. The prostate diet is also one of the natural ways to increase stamina, so you should definitely consider following it.

#3 Prostate health supplements

By taking supplements on a regular basis, you can maintain the health of the prostate and reduce its size. These prostate health supplements contain a lot of beneficial nutrients, many of which are difficult to be obtained from the diet (in sufficient quantities). It is important to choose supplements that are especially recommended for prostate enlargement; these should not contain additives or fillers that can harm your health even more. Natural supplements contain many of the above-mentioned remedies, such as sisterol, pollen extracts, pygeum, stinging nettle or cranberries.

Prostate health supplements can help you escape the urinary symptoms caused by the prostate enlargement. They promote a healthy urinary function, thus guaranteeing an improved quality of life. It has also been discovered that these supplements can bring down the risk of prostate cancer. The beneficial properties of prostate health supplements have been confirmed by numerous studies and scientific articles, including one published in the Open Journal of Urology.

#4 Green tea

Green tea has been known for its beneficial properties with regard to general health since the ancient of times. This has to do with the fact that green tea is rich in antioxidants, which have a wide-range of beneficial properties. On one hand, they can boost the proper functioning of the immune system; on the other hand, they have antibacterial and antiviral properties. When it comes to prostate enlargement, the regular intake of green tea can regulate one’s hormonal balance and improve the symptoms experienced. As green tea can increase the need to urinate, it is recommended to opt for the decaf version.

According to a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, green tea is one of the best weapons available in the fight against prostate enlargement. Moreover, thanks to the high content in antioxidants, such as catechins, green tea can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

#5 Natural remedies

Natural remedies can help you deal with the symptoms of the enlarged prostate in an efficient manner. Moreover, unlike traditional medication, these do not have side-effects to worry about. One of the most recommended natural remedies for an enlarged prostate is saw palmetto; this can be used to address the urinary symptoms caused by the enlarged prostate. A plant-derived substance, known as sitosterol, can also be used as a natural remedy against prostatomegaly. Other natural remedies that can be recommended for such problems include pygeum, rye grass pollen extract and stinging nettle.

The usage of natural remedies for conditions such as the prostate enlargement has been confirmed by various studies. According to a special report published in Bulletin, natural therapies for the enlarged prostate include: beta-sisterol, cranberries, phytonutrients, pollen extracts, pygeum and stinging nettle.

Final word

These are a couple of ways in which you can reduce the size of your prostate and benefit from an improvement with regard to urinary symptoms. As you have seen, these are not difficult to follow. Even following your day to day activity, even if you have less physical effort job like an accountant or more like catering work with a lot of hard work, so make sure to give them a try. Keep in mind that you do not have to wait until you suffer from an enlarged prostate, in order to follow these suggestions. These can be used to prevent the enlargement of the prostate, as well as to bring down the risk of prostate cancer.

