How I Became a Master of Wing Chun Kung fu

Austin Goh
2 min readSep 4, 2017

The year was 1978. It was a great day for me. My Sifu took me aside one day and told me it was time for me to receive my “Sifu Jai”, literally “Small Sifu” level, or translated, instructor level that would eventually lead me to master level. I was only twenty-four years old; I asked him if I was ready? He said that he had not met a student like me who totally respected him and followed his teaching without any questions asked and I would be able to spread the art of Wing Chun for him.

When he said that I felt so happy and very emotional too. I was away from my home and family and yet he took me under his wing, taught me his kung fu and treated me like his son. I was so grateful and lucky.

But I still had to pass a few tests laid down by him. I needed to prove my upper physical body strength by doing 1,000 chain punching with speed and power on a wall bag filled with marbles and 1,000 press ups, followed by 800 kicks based on the Wing Chun eight kicks. I also had to show him my Wing Chun knowledge — my wooden dummy form, pole form, butterfly knives form, chi sau and sparring with some of my kung fu brothers.

Lastly I had to do close contact sparring (chi sau) with my Master; It was intense; I felt like I had lost twenty pounds! I was sweating and feeling the pressure; it took five hours.

During the chi sau (sparring) with my Sifu — I realised he was different, much faster and so precise in his techniques. It was an eye opener for me. He told me being a master in Wing Chun is not just practising punching and kicking; the body, mind and soul must be connected, to generate explosive power in one punch and kick. I was totally exhausted physically and mentally. What an experience!

No one ever grows great until one is focused, dedicated and disciplined.


