Book summary for “Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things” by Adam Grant

Austin Hitchcock
4 min readFeb 3, 2024

Adam Grant is one of my favorite non-fiction authors. He has the ability to break down complex psychological concepts by telling short stories that enable readers like myself to apply these seemingly simple, yet game-changing ideas to our daily lives.

He’s written other successful books such as Give and Take, Think Again, Originals, and Option B. “Hidden Potential” is one of his best. In it, he challenges the traditional view of success, arguing that it’s not about innate talent or hard work, but rather about character development and the ability to learn.

The book can be broken down into three components. Developing Grit, Finding Flow, and Building a Growth Network.

Let’s dive in!

Developing Grit

This entails developing tenacity, fervor, and persistence in the face of difficulties. Grant stresses the value of having a growth attitude, having faith in your ability to get better with work, and accepting discomfort as a springboard for knowledge.

Learning 1: “Create a ‘mistake budget’: Set goals on how many times you should FAIL.”

“The opposite of a successful career isn’t failure; it’s not trying. The biggest regret most people have isn’t about the things they couldn’t do, but the things they didn’t even attempt.”

Learning 2: Start BEFORE you’re ready.

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment to embark on new projects or initiatives. Encourage yourself and your team to leap, even if it feels premature. This approach fosters a proactive mindset and accelerates learning and development.”

Finding Flow

When you are in a state of flow, you are totally absorbed in what you are doing, enjoying it, and losing sight of time and yourself. To attain flow, Grant offers techniques for determining your interests and strengths, establishing specific objectives, and engaging in purposeful practice.

“Flow is an optimal state of experience; it’s the feeling of being completely absorbed in an activity to the point where it becomes effortless and automatic.”

Learning 3: It is neither work nor play, purpose not purposelessness that satisfies us. It is the dance between.

“The best moments in our lives aren’t the passive, receptive states. The best moments are usually the moments when you’re fully engaged in what you’re doing, your body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort, and you know you’re not going to fail.”

Learning 4: Use Deliberate play to get better at anything you want. Make up games and track your success. This is the best way to enter a flow state and enjoy your progress.

Building a Growth Network

It is vital that you surround yourself with challenging and encouraging people who can aid in your learning and development. To create a robust growth network, Grant advises looking for mentors, participating in communities of practice, and lending a helping hand to others.

“Your social network is like the soil in which your potential grows. The quality of your relationships directly influences your chances of success.”

Learning 5: if you don’t have a mentor, you’re making a costly mistake

“Seek out mentors who believe in you and challenge you to stretch your comfort zone. They can help you see your blind spots and push you to higher levels of performance.”

“Giving back to others is not just good for society; it’s also good for you. When you help others, you learn new skills, build relationships, and gain a sense of purpose.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Potential is not necessarily your ability to perform, but how far you’ve come. Instead of looking at success as where you end up, to measure your hidden potential, you have to understand where your starting line is.
  • Success is not about being a genius, but about developing the right character traits and ability to learn. Grit is key to unlocking success.
  • Embrace challenges and discomfort as opportunities for growth. Set goals for how much you want to fail, and always start before you’re ready
  • Find your flow state. Make up games to stay focused on repetition and getting better at a task.
  • Build a strong growth network of people you trust to help challenge you.

If you’re struggling with perseverance, passion, or finding your flow, Adam Grant’s ‘Hidden Potential’ offers actionable strategies to help you unlock your true potential and achieve your goals.

I hope this summary is helpful! Let me know what you thought of the book in the comments!


My Goodreads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



Austin Hitchcock

📖 Reading and writing Fantasy, SciFi and Self-help. 🤖 All things technology, AI, and Sales Development.