How Changing My Focus Changed the Strength of My Leadership

Austin Walker
The Leadership Journal
6 min readOct 11, 2019


Anyone in a leadership position at any level will always feel the same tension you feel and the same tension I feel. How do I grow as a leader? Is there a magic course, magic book, magic podcast, or magic paradigm that’s going to solve my problem or fix my systems?

Why do we want to grow? To get better. Maybe I’m the only one, but in every season of leadership, I’ve battled the constant drumbeat of inadequacy.

I want to be a better leader, but there’s always the voice in my ear saying, “You won’t rise to the occasion. You aren’t equipped or competent to do the things you need to do. You are not enough.”

“You are not enough.”

Here’s the problem…as a leader, I know I have strengths I bring to the table…I was just constantly finding myself focusing on my weaknesses. Instead of leveraging my wiring and instincts, I was constantly apologizing for my weaknesses and spending time trying to fix those.

The more I spent time trying to fix my lagging areas, the more aware I was of my inadequacy and the more real estate that little voice had in my thought life.

Even as I was getting my Master’s Degree in leadership, the voice was consistent. However, my luck would soon change. As part of my graduate program, we had…



Austin Walker
The Leadership Journal

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.