Animating 2D sprites in Unity

Austin Young
2 min readJul 30, 2023

Animating 2D sprites in Unity is easy using the built in animation window in the editor. First you will want to open up the animation window by clicking on the Window drop down in the top left, go down to Animation and then click Animation.

Select the object you wish to animate. It will prompt you to create and save a new animation. Inside the Animation window you will want to click the red circle in the top left to begin recording animation. Next you will want to shift-click all the sprite images you have that will make up the animation. Each image will act as a frame for the animation which you can then speed up or slow down as needed. Once you have selected all images, click and drag them into the recording animation window and then click the red circle again to stop recording.

Now the Animator component will be added to the object you selected to animate, and your animation should now play when the game is started. If you want to adjust the speed of the animation you can double click the animation controller inside your project window to open the Animator window. Inside the animator window, click the orange rectangle and view the inspector. There is a speed variable which you can adjust.

too fast
much better



Austin Young

o/ I'm a game dev documenting my journey. Mostly technical tutorials. Currently focusing on the Unity engine. My Portfolio: