JPB’s Principles of Adult Behavior


The late John Perry Barlow was an Internet legend, activist and supporter for personal freedom, privacy, and digital rights. He founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation, wrote songs for the Grateful Dead, roasted Steve Jobs at an event at NeXT, was a friend and student of Timothy Leary, and on an on.

Quote from John Perry Barlow on reflecting on Principles of Adult Behavior

One of my very favorite gifts that JPB left the world was a list of behaviors that he wrote down on his 30th birthday in 1977. He believed these were important norms to live the good life with strong character.

I’ve kept a copy of these principles on my wall for years and years and have found them to be a profound source of motivation and joy.



Austin Ogilvie

currently building Thoropass. fmr CEO of ŷhat (acq by Alteryx NYSE:AYX). YC W15. Bluegrass fan + whitewater kayaker