Simple Team Communication Manifesto

Austin Ogilvie
2 min readNov 15, 2023


When we founded Thoropass (then Laika), we memorialized a “first cut” at company values. Since then, we’ve iterated a ton. But this slide remains one of my favorites

This “communication manifesto” is meant to be simple conversational rails to help balance trade-offs, evaluate options, use shared vocab, stay on point, mutually understand inputs, outputs, reporting methodologies, etc.

When teams can’t agree, when there are different interpretations of a result (e.g. some view a result/outcome as success while others don’t), when priorities or feasibility or resource needs aren’t mutually shared across a team or teams, etc., figuring out the cause of the impasse is key

And, in my overwhelming experience, it’s often that these common impasses are rooted in communication and can be resolved fairly easily with clearer comms where this mini guide can be super useful

Communication Manifesto from Thoropass (formerly Laika) Early Cutlure Deck


1️⃣ We restate our teammates’ points to confirm we understand each other

2️⃣ In debate, we explicitly specify what’s in/out of scope

3️⃣ When making decisions, we (a) establish what the desired outcome is and (b) establish the currency or measure(s) that we will use to compare alternatives

4️⃣ We stay on-point. We don’t switch topics. And we don’t confuse or merge two separate topics into one.

5️⃣ We assume that our teammates’ ideas are informed by valuable knowledge, experience, or data we may not have or know about

6️⃣ We default to the most charitable interpretation of our teammates perspectives in any conversation

7️⃣ We faithfully represent each other’s points-of-view in a way that they would recognize as their own even when they are not in the room

If you found this post useful, you might also enjoy this one: VC Slide 2023: From Wild Party to Hard Reality

I’m on Twitter @austinogilvie and LinkedIn /in/austinogilvie

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Austin Ogilvie

currently building Thoropass. fmr CEO of ŷhat (acq by Alteryx NYSE:AYX). YC W15. Bluegrass fan + whitewater kayaker